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COOEC introduces Brit和服ish hot water suit system to 市友prolong underwater operation time in wi動見nter

Release date:

On February 18, it事長 was learned from COOEC that th身吧e maintenance / pipe們白line company under the co明體mpany introduced a new公女 hot water service system and suc數林cessfully comple雨厭ted the land te森體st and acceptance.

The hot water sui北近t system is mainly 爸輛used to overcome the difficulty of low頻鐘 temperature during winter上要 diving or deep diving, and can improve風裡 the underwater 習放comfort of divers.懂費 The hot water suit system acce站線pted this time is imported from the UK 還西and provides hot water by diesel h影雨eating. It is equ廠關ipped with 2 submersible pumps, 2為作 booster pumps and 3 combusti是爸on boilers, which can provide hot wa麗東ter for up to 3 diver說章s.

During the experiment, t海木he divers wore h窗相ot water suits and ex票用perienced the heating effe但錢ct of hot water sui務數ts. When the outle說船t water temperature is 錢身set at 45 ~ 50 ℃, th媽亮e diver feels comfortable 低兒and does not suffer f鐵廠rom sudden cold and heat.還業

Before the introduction 少呢of the hot water suit 章學system, divers could only last about 會水45 minutes in the sea water ne飛友ar zero when divin厭海g in the Bohai Bay in winter熱嗎. After the application不舊 of the system, the 煙鄉divers can be completely unaffected by了著 low temperature, the un白厭derwater operation 制要time can be greatly pr費懂olonged, and the comprehensive opera東問tion efficiency can be improved by年河 about 50%. (cor冷很respondent Chen Yong, Deng司紅 Ping)
