
Talent policy

1、In order to ensure t熱懂hat we can contact you in ti如答me, please try to provide a variety o光頻f communication met用書hods (mobile phone, fix件信ed phone and email).林海 At all stages of your appl慢票ication, please ensure河文 that relevant communication tools are 雨開unblocked

2、Please ensure that電報 the personal data you 冷腦provide is true, valid and accurate. Y對男ou must take full responsibility for t可工he data you enter. If we find that the紙近 information you pr計吃ovide is untrue, we reserve 章身the right to cancel the applicat影相ion qualification withou體刀t notice

3、If you have outstanding stren來樂gths, talents, social 聽亮practice and project experie理小nce, please describe them in detai國電l so that you can get greater opp書好ortunities

Resume delivery em畫冷ail: janeyuan@shanye.com舊路.cn Please mark the email Tit鐘離le: application location + p兵明osition name + your name


Number of recruits:1
Education:College degree or above
Salary:Face to face
Work place:Shenzhen

Work Content :

    1. Be responsible for th南站e management of daily office documents 村行of the Department;

    2. Collect and sort out中廠 the technical data of the 長火Department;

    3. Assist in the preparatio山議n of project bi亮很dding technical documents;

    4. Assist in the preparation 著放of documents, reports and飛內 other technical data 都些related to the project;

    5. Assist in the dai多線ly maintenance and 錯亮management of Department equi姐東pment;

    6. Location: Shenzhe船路n

Recruitment Requirements:

    1. Unlimited gender a離月nd good health;

    2. College degr東服ee or above, major in ship me購服chatronics, marine engine文輛ering or machiner會生y, with more than one year 都雨of working experience務呢;

    3. Have certain mechanical de多亮sign ability;

    4. Proficient in office software風那 and CAD drawing software;

    5. Good English listening, 冷湖speaking, reading and writin刀校g skills;

    6. Professional kn愛頻owledge of marine eng票商ineering Electromechanical 他坐is preferred;

    7. Be honest, work 路好seriously and act拍不ively, be diligent in lear工著ning and have team consciou件你sness.

Business Speciali工土st

Number of recruits:1
Education:Junior college or above
Work place:Shenzhen

Work Content :

    1. Business market development;

    2. Assist the Department to complete pr中醫oject bidding, bu妹輛siness quotation and bid preparatio嗎問n;

    3. Business settlement, contr著科act receivables manag購都ement;

    4. Business settlement, contract會們 receivables management你雪;

    5. Customer relationship man就學agement, such as customer satisfaction 時生survey, customer opinion colle山視ction, etc;

    6. Other work assigned by d好村epartment leaders.

Recruitment Requir大金ements:

    1. Full time bachelor degree美輛 or above;

    2. CET-4 or abov樂公e;

    3. Be careful, serious and 朋暗responsible, and have good wr拿門iting skills;

    4. Clear thinking, good at expressio媽道n, with certain communic對行ation and coordination skills;

    5. Be able to unit新黃e colleagues, have dedicati光資on, and be competent for work under ce跳綠rtain pressure.

Engineer clerk

Number of recruits:2
Education:Junior college or above
Work place:Shenzhen

Work Content :

    1. Be responsible for the management 行如of daily office documents of the D劇兵epartment;

    2. Collect and s東我ort out the technical data o飛商f the Department;

    3. Assist in the preparat什行ion of project bidding techni兒好cal documents;

    4. Assist in the pr刀鄉eparation of documents, reports 紅冷and other technical 謝東data related to the pr分可oject;

    5. Assist in the daily maintenance and 草工management of Department equipment;

    6. Location: Shenzhen;

Recruitment Requirements:

    1. Female clerks, 得錢in good health;

    2. College degree or 知少above, major in ship m物說echatronics, marine enginee做海ring or machinery, with mo少火re than one year of w校著orking experience;

    3. Have certain mechanic靜東al design abili船花ty;

    4. Proficient in office softwa街票re and CAD drawing software;

    5. Good English list花鐘ening, speaking, reading and 業光writing skills;

    6. Professional knowledge of marine en件書gineering Electromecha做店nical is preferred;

    7. Be honest, work ser著一iously and actively, be 討計diligent in learning and have的場 team consciousness.

Diving doctor

Number of recru請生its:1
Education:Junior college or above
Work place:Shenzhen

Work Content :


Recruitment Requirem船家ents:

    1. Male, healthy;

    2. Bachelor degree or above i員舊n medicine;

    3. More than two years of clini可匠cal work experie我事nce in the hospital;

    4. Have the qua事光lification certificate of medi月影cal practitioner;

    6. Participate in ma商放rine diving as a diving docto街線r after training.

Underwater Engin鐘數eer

Number of recruits生作:2
Education:Bachelor degree or abov低中e
Work place:Shenzhen

Work Content :

    1. Mainly respo話村nsible for equipment technic友哥al data management老朋, equipment construction, overhaul a理北nd other technical work;

    2. On site technical supp懂老ort and on-site equipment mai水分ntenance manageme吧海nt of underwater engineering pro店什ject;

    3. Preparation of pr雜麗oject bidding technical do木志cuments;

    4. Able to work under pr謝頻essure;

    5. According to the actual 下能situation of th公亮e company, arrange to go t從熱o sea or travel to participate in eng拍新ineering projects i信亮n China. The cumulative time of going t如跳o sea or land travel 作這throughout the yea放冷r is uncertain. 資報Generally, the time of g美得oing to sea proj舞熱ects shall not exceed 2 co站有nsecutive months, and t月線he rest of the time西城 shall be in Shenzhen.

Recruitment Requirements:國但

    1. Male, healthy;

    2. Bachelor degree or 城章above, major in ship mechatronic月大s, marine engineering or 遠市machinery, with more than得報 two years of working experience;了又

    3. Strong mechanical des美兒ign ability;

    4. Have good professional knowledg紅有e of marine engineering el劇司ectromechanical;

    5. Proficient in 工影office software and去放 CAD drawing softw舊計are;

    6. Good English listening,鄉北 speaking, reading and 吧時writing skills;

    7. Be honest, work seriously and拍友 actively, be diligent in 快議learning, have team consciou錢裡sness and certain management業件 ability.
