Current Position:

"Dynamic electrocard輛員iogram" settled in FPSO

Release date:

Single point mooring system ref煙信ers to the system that ke厭船eps FPSO (floating productio村她n storage and unloading d校是evice) rotating在輛 freely around 是子the fixed point 開坐under the combined action of wi制看nd, wave and current. As the central線朋 link of FPSO, its structural integrit慢場y is very important上區. Due to the limitation 區件of underwater detection, the proble習線m of the system is often found i舊用n the "qualitative change". How to ma見姐ke an effective "physical examinatio日腦n" of the system has always 路員been a "heart dise她志ase" of oilfield oper坐銀ators. At present, the moori媽城ng monitoring and Predictio科少n Technology launched b問費y the technical center of CNOOC develo金姐pment oil production company (hereina現銀fter referred to as the technical c什吧enter) can monitor the safety status 工師of single point mooring system in real 鐘分time and effectively cure this "heart d日吧isease".

Mooring monitor雜少ing and prediction熱媽 technology is simila技外r to "dynamic ECG" i子很nspection technology. It mea去讀sures the safety of the whole system b還兒y "fixed-point" monitoring at k樹筆ey parts of the mooring船著 system. Mooring monito習還ring and prediction technolog秒醫y is an integration of four 鄉森core technologies: on-site 習黑monitoring technology, senso們舞r integration technolog筆票y, real-time data acquisitio煙兵n and display techn我場ology and risk-bas有知ed prediction tech關姐nology. It can continuously monitor t機要he environmental data i公笑n the operating sea area, the move街學ment process of FP火費SO and the stress statu制笑s of key componen上舞ts for 24 hours, and can find跳時 "internal injuries" that ar服購e not easy to fin些北d in routine detection. It is an im年日portant tool for 上票clinical analysis of mooring syst快嗎em An important objective bas鄉和is for judging "亮算health status".

It is understood that th你厭e traditional detection methods are線國 mainly routine湖費 appearance detection, and t內鐵he detection items and 道身categories are relati了現vely single, which can not find the hid笑光den dangers in t她生he "quantitative change perio錢姐d" in time.

Therefore, the tech拿綠nical center has specially establ知文ished a project team of "他船FPSO single point moori光知ng on-line monitoring syst計外em" to test "offshore oil 112" and "兵農offshore oil 113" FPS金小Os with the support of the development 煙多and production department and影民 the General Research I訊個nstitute of CNOOC.

Through this technology, technicia有腦ns can collect the environme算愛ntal data of the operating sea ar務有ea and the data related to 站司FPSO movement in rea拍船l time. After centralized analysi在個s and processing of the da如音ta, they can predic坐水t the safety of the 書化mooring system and船好 put forward act也要ive countermeasur吧車es.

In addition to the草讀 on-line monitoring 下也function, the data 議近obtained can play an important role in身姐 mooring system assessme器亮nt, the improvement of the compl身音ete environmental database of雨厭 each FPSO operation se筆鐵a area, loading and loading o她事ptimization before the ar船學rival of typhoon, 你吧mooring system safety prediction, 船房etc.

At present, mooring但制 monitoring and prediction technolog小裡y has been applied to "of樹那fshore oil 113" and "offshor算拿e oil 112" FPSOs, and the 購白new "offshore oil 118" F都飛PSO has also "customized" this tech吧輛nology in the ship design and 錯歌construction stage.

"In the next step, 呢服strive to promote the technology of f件藍p-so in various sea areas a河月nd start to establi下輛sh FPSO single point 廠好mooring data center. At the 場又same time, carry out technical re紙船search such as' nondest山也ructive testing 業不of mooring steel 對這cables' to promote the i吧問ntegrity manageme做雨nt of single point mooring sys去多tem." Liu Yuheng, manager of the techni費國cal center, said. (corr離國espondent Li Yan, Yan Ming)
