Current Position:

The world's first外日 underwater rigid arm FPSO is re日森leased and connected低麗

Release date:

On the evening of A現多ugust 14, the constructio厭樂n personnel of C木暗OOEC maintenance company路舞 successfully completed the connect會姐ion between the聽機 new single point underwater rigid聽風 arm (yoke) of cfd11-1 / 2 oilfield 內長of Caofeidian operation company and 路那"offshore oil 112" FPSO, which i兒林s the world's first an民兒d only underwater rig到大id arm FPSO release and rec算個onnection operation.

"Offshore oil 112" 樂土FPSO and its si雪雪ngle point system are the cen媽下ter of oil and gas transmiss道村ion in the whole oilfield. The rel子老ease and reconnection o喝關f FPSO is the most difficult,來雨 risky and challenging 家頻node for the resumption of production志熱 in Caofeidian oilfield. The服好 whole construction include北但s the release o影線f FPSO from the old single po頻但int, cruising in the nearby safe廠場 sea area, and the connecti跳匠on between FPSO and the new 和分single point. The completion of輛雪 this operation directly promoted黑新 the process of resumption of p放錯roduction in Caofeidian oilfield. (要銀correspondent Yan Bin, Liu Xueyi)制和

