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CNOOC welding technol請裡ogy to deep wate火草r

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It was learned on Augu民頻st 4 that the National 8鐘人63 project "key technology of un做窗derwater structure repa姐海ir system based on fri好志ction lap welding" undertaken by科又 COOEC in the 12th Five Yea音遠r Plan has completed the devel議工opment of underwa又她ter friction lap welding p技腦rinciple prototype and e技中ntered the preparation stage of eng志的ineering prototype developm北事ent.

"Friction lap welding t城能echnology is less affected by water d購房epth," said Yang Fan, a welding e車錯ngineer. Traditional manua城做l arc welding is affected by 文醫deep-water water pressure and w少街ater flow, and its sta船友bility and welding ad睡票hesion will be greatly reduced. If it 北花is careless, there will be話雪 welding joint devia靜好tion, which will affe工厭ct the work effici現坐ency and quality of t術市he whole pipeline. The frict西綠ion stack welding techno又公logy uses the principle of consu什那ming plug rod, and the pressure pro見區vided by it can di員可rectly fill the廠服 plug rod into th體務e air hole to complete the weldin西體g, so the underwater 算內welding is more efficient and stable. X民學u Wei, a welding engineer, said志老: "the friction lap welding repai紅雨r system for underwater structures pr冷弟ovides a new development idea for Chin關數a's offshore engineering to如筆 go deep water." (corre醫計spondent Liu Guangya, Yang F議為an, Liu Bin)
