Current Positio黑年n:

The first online replacement of F窗機PSO mooring system in體靜 China

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On July 31, the repo鄉從rter learned that Shenzhen Bra紙和nch of the Compan新制y Limited (hereinafter referred to as 資內Shenzhen Branch) has successfu在吃lly completed the first online rep都厭lacement of FPSO草就 mooring system in China unde不說r the condition that FPSO is n務員ot released and the oil f雨腦ield is not shut down.

In the early morning of July 13, as 著白the divers fastened the connector t妹嗎o the last anchor chain 10歌雪5 meters underwater,遠什 the underwater mooring system com刀線posed of three groups of 9 moor下話ing legs firmly "ti有店ed" the 150000 ton "offshore o去間il 111" FPSO (floating product我快ion, storage an分金d unloading device) to the sea s月林urface.

The "offshore oil 區看111" inner turret sin日務gle point mooring system時大 serving in Panyu oilfield has re媽相ached the design li去商fe of 10 years, and various c弟化omponents of the system have been cor身理roded and worn to var就他ying degrees. CNOOC 通吃adopted the new mooring sy報秒stem independently designed 坐房and manufactured for t好哥he first time, 北體successfully implemented the "transpla黑拿nt operation", and broke the tec技醫hnical barriers of foreig在謝n companies. The new mooring s現公ystem is designed according to the new 雪信safety standards and can be used for 2刀歌0 years after transfor中議mation, breaking a maj但少or bottleneck in the sub線慢sequent rolling developm電間ent of Panyu oilfield.

During the replacement of "of刀熱fshore oil 111" mooring system, oilfiel近章d production, surface oil ex廠信traction and underwater constructi小好on are carried out at the same time.光和 After scheme optimization, 讀金the replacement period o都坐f each mooring leg was shortened車學 from the initial 8 days to 4 多影days. At the same time,能藍 Shenzhen Branc鄉民h seized the be金的st climate window this year, 謝美and the offshore construction was co事對mpleted one month 我窗ahead of schedule. According著看 to Chen Jiejun, general manage見火r of Panyu operation company, Pan拿房yu oilfield has maintained hi東草gh and stable product書飛ion by adopting the online replacement下腦 scheme, which can avoid the 還爸production loss of n多影early 8 million barrels of crude oil筆匠.

Since 2006, Shenzhen Branch男學 has cooperated with relevant黃舞 domestic researc公那h institutions and manufacturer服大s to tackle key techni化計cal problems, independent歌從ly maintained and trans短花formed seven sets of single point moo一視ring systems in the eastern 男吃waters of the South Ch習木ina Sea, and gradually mastered th黃鐘e core technology of single po白樹int mooring system. The m鐵為ooring system h為制as achieved a leap from fo路技reign general contracting to do朋通mestic design and manufactur如數ing, which provides a new guarantee fo近放r China's offshore en可事gineering to enter deep water indep子鄉endently. (reporter Mo關林u Yintao, correspondent Yang Tianxiao, 地雨Qin Liwen)
