Current Position:

Consultation meeting on genera得票l rules for desi討醫gn and periodic 費短inspection requirem拍一ents of air diving syste木說m was held

Release date:

On November 1, the industry standard農看 consultation meeting on gen匠雨eral rules for design 術玩and periodic inspec拿秒tion requirements of air diving離務 system undertaken by the company was h答醫eld in Beijing, from 員開the technical s朋又tandardization committee of人知 transportation s店弟alvage and underwater e路你ngineering, the Marit還請ime Safety Standardization Committe男靜e, the Naval Mi哥內litary Medical University, th子廠e Shanghai Salvage Bureau of t紅從he Ministry of tr文計ansport Experts 習件and representatives from Wu房自hu diving equipment factory紙我 and Shenzhen Hu小內awei Offshore Shipping C動唱o., Ltd. attende商房d the meeting.

After listening to去那 the explanation of 討要the preparation team on th錢要e preparation of the standard, furthe計議r understanding the task source, purpos快些e, drafting process, 水服basis and reference to relevant la吃熱ws and regulations and朋商 some normative documents, the experts 老愛reviewed the standa雪坐rd manuscript item by item an數又d put forward modific友微ation suggestions. The propos子時al of general / basic re時冷quirements for air divin雪麗g system in the standard makes up for小弟 the lack of mainten老看ance and management i劇得nterface of single divin都筆g equipment in ac線畫tual operation, an聽微d standardizes the他視 overall layout湖拿 requirements and general safety requi技他rements of mobile, fixed 山裡and integrated diving equipment / s船聽ystem, which has been highly recogn在商ized by the partic兵裡ipating experts.

After review, the parti話線cipating experts and Representatives 微跳unanimously agreed to adop風姐t the draft standard雜司 for comments. The e懂線xpert representatives of the review t腦什eam suggested that the答算 preparation team with Shenzhen Sha務算nye Industrial Co., Ltd. and錯機 Shanghai Salvage Bur一說eau of the Mini司火stry of transport as the main dra吧金fting units should improve the cont多物ent of the standard according 鄉明to the revision opinions of the co信那nsultation meeting, and comp黃請lete and submit the revision o笑答f the draft of the industry stand家匠ard as soon as p明你ossible.

