Current Position:

The chairman of the company商亮 was commended by the salvage syst腦中em scientific and 麗劇Technological Innovation Conference生照

Release date:

On October 16, the scientific an朋兵d Technological Innovation Co地友nference of salvage 身藍system of the Mini術煙stry of transport was held in Shanghai家照. Li Jianbo, a member of th些自e Party group of the Ministry船理 of transport, at業熱tended the meeting and delive民劇red an important spee體熱ch. Relevant responsible comrades業刀 of relevant departments and bur喝從eaus of the Ministry and Shanghai Mu慢開nicipal Transportatio數上n Commission, and nearly 100 represen得歌tatives from more than 20間要 units, including the 輛匠Ministry's rescue system, affili麗視ated units, relev劇她ant colleges and universitie白什s, scientific research inst白月itutes and enterpri日校ses, attended the mee務吃ting.

Zhang Hui, chairman of the comp街商any, was awarded the h來新onorary title of "r文劇escuing the pioneer對腦 of scientific and technological innov河海ation" at the meeting, and gave a spe離綠ech on my road to the growth o影科f scientific and techn路問ological innovation as an advanced視她 personal representative. Focusi呢樂ng on the three th器線emes of "who I am",刀坐 "what I have done" and "m外海y story of scientific and technologica錢知l innovation", Comrade Zhang Hui summ服嗎arized and revi制是ewed personal growth and 門看the integration and promotion of開放 scientific and technologica師有l innovation with 拿問the company's production and ope拿公ration

