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Rapid response team helps the 熱醫oilfield resume湖外 production early af匠算ter the "do訊農uble typhoon"

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In the South China Sea i問公n September, autumn typhoons are 現區still frequent. This year, the front f相國oot of Typhoon No. 23 "B這醫ailijia" just land校我ed on September 13, and the rear foo裡但t of Typhoon No. 22 "Shanzhu答你" strongly followed. The Central Meteo影紅rological Observatory issued a 可時typhoon blue warning at 10:00科地 on the 13th. The cen農件ter of "mangosteen" is located o地員n the Northwest Pacific Ocean about 11懂校20 kilometers east of Manila, Ph遠秒ilippines at 8:00. It is ex對快pected to move into城不 the Northeast sea o從好f the South Chi場用na Sea around noon on the 15th, then拍一 gradually appro月來ach the coast fr什了om western Guangdong to eastern Hain醫藍an, and may land on the ab器司ove coast on the e大湖vening of the 16th (strong typho飛房on level or super typhoon level). Mang人通osteen with wide r男家ange, high strength and s市會uper destructive p物民ower is likely to become a n飛器ew "wind king", and the whole circulat道購ion almost covers the South C金化hina Sea.

Therefore, the East Petroleum 黃坐Administration of the South Chin明金a Sea organized 自鐘the work of preventing一鐵 and avoiding Taiwan in advance. The 制懂production of offshore oil and gas fie老窗lds was shut down in an orderly子得 manner, and the equipment was bo刀遠und and fixed. More than 3300 offshor科的e operators have be子場en evacuated safe雪用ly. The "South 公離China Sea discove個學ry" floating production, storage 體計and unloading dev從什ice for self-propelle到山d refuge and the 草信"South China Sea is in full blo爸火om" The tanker h道風as also arrived near Paracel Islands 歌得on schedule. However, time is the 弟愛contribution of p小筆roduction and effic到微iency, and how to res放分tore production safely after the 大紅typhoon, especially 靜報in the South China Sea. No. 1 is街紅 the focus of CNOOC; on the員這 other hand, the safety of ships a票信nd offshore facilities in吧地 the sea area during strong typhoo笑愛n should also be cons吧區idered. As a state-owned enterpr子湖ise, we should bravely be遠愛ar social responsi房業bility.

At 13:00 on September 13, the Eastern雜兵 Petroleum Administration of the So問兒uth China Sea issued醫雪 an instruction to imm工車ediately carry out the還哥 preparation for emergency return答少 support after Typhoon "Nan開費hai blooming", requiring t村討he diving resources and sup科文port ships to be well 麗紅prepared before the arr玩錯ival of Typhoon "Shanzhu"慢雨. The diving support ship 要就should leave the port with diving equi吧電pment to the anch畫近orage on the evening of September花不 14 at the latest: the emergen樹遠cy duty is on standby during the 睡們typhoon, "Shanzhu" After lea請雪ving, CNOOC Shenzhen Branch imm說就ediately coordinated the high刀麗-quality emergency resourc窗秒es that are goo但下d at fighting a hard battle and 她國asked Shanye company to start the路舊 preparations for loading the diving e師線quipment on the "Huaming" ship 購但at the first time.

At 13:45 on September 13, the di物就ving team of the company assem車森bled in Shekou, Shenzhen and drove t有船o the wharf of Huizhou logistics b多愛ase.

At 15:20 on the 1討間3th, the company's equipment m醫湖aritime binding team gathered at Hu喝村izhou logistics水愛 base for standby.

At 15:40 on the 13th, "Huaming" arri空照ved at berth 9 of Huizhou base wharf. 作路The maritime binding team boarded通鄉 the ship and started t分司he hoisting and welding of th開著e installation ba光們se of diving equipment according to th海行e drawing.

At 19:00 on the 13th, the equip火請ment installation base was w知遠elded, the diving equipment 購校began to be hoisted on空行 board one by one, and larg舞紙e containers such as diving gantry, air公通 source box of hoisti雨低ng system, diving decompression chamber店你, air source box of decompres員還sion chamber and frequency con煙秒version transformer were我藍 hoisted to "Huaming" d不師eck.

At 23:00 on the 13th, all t拿舊he diving equipment was hoisted. 頻一The maritime binding operat話山ors positioned th飛章e containers according to the draw喝金ing and welded them one by 站家one.

At 3:25 a.m. on the 14th, the marit不不ime binding and fixation of diving equ樹從ipment was completed, and the 計答equipment connection and裡些 commissioning began;家朋 at the same time, the個就 person in charge of the頻房 diving team conducted r國學outine safety self inspection on the eq車輛uipment.

At 8:45 on the 14th, the "Huaming"好光 berth was transferred, and 姐土the third-party inspectors b麗門oarded the ship to carry out她分 NDT after welding and gantry lifti女老ng test after loading t房村he diving equipment.

At 11:30 on the 14th, th書拍e loading of diving resources was co動畫mpleted, and the shi店你p "Huaming" was read哥兵y for departure, waiting時問 for the instruction to go to sea.

The emergency resou來知rce allocation preparation f做一or the resumption of production after關舞 the typhoon has been p輛科roactive, rapid and orde購去rly, condensed the spir章如it of responsibilit子說y, trained the emergency team, fully答飛 fulfilled the sacred mis熱站sion of the superior uni黑離t Shanghai Salvage Bureau to "bravely朋理 assume social responsibilit錢河y and serve the marine economy", a少慢nd earnestly implemen農計ted the determination and abil門要ity to fully ensure the increa男會se of national oil and gas reserve朋刀s and production with practical actions相西.

