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The company held a phased safety adv暗有anced commendation meet影花ing

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On September 13, the 快個company held a phase笑亮d annual safety advanced com金用mendation meeting i長樹n Shekou, Shenzh花機en. Representat草但ives of CNOOC S睡雨henzhen Branch and the company'站讀s management jointly iss好謝ued honorary certificates to 但上the employees who worked hard in the f中章irst three quar高技ters of 2018.

Since March, under the pressure of con地畫centrated workload, wide op北舞eration range, high technical r窗關equirements and poor 森鐘sea conditions, the underwate爸腦r engineering departme鐵日nt has made overall arran慢車gements, worked hard and made steady票身 progress. It has successively moved to喝很 Enping, Liuhua, Pan中微yu, Xijiang, Luf從作eng, Huizhou, Bai資子yun and other oil and g分銀as fields in the east of the 如錯South China Sea, completing t南個he underwater plugging of "of算山fshore oil 115" and "victo好工ry in the South China Sea" Maj時也or battles such as "offshore oil 111" r在頻elease and connection, 綠物and circuitous interspersed票到 with other oil and gas fie下呢lds, have solve男兵d the emergency problems s不腦uch as single point co東醫nnection after 為草the typhoon of "South China S日器ea in full bloom". Some光聽 employees have been workin熱輛g at sea for more than 180 days, and議場 have worked hard and paid a 愛為lot.

The stern towing草子 team of the mari微他time service department also放錢 performed well個討. In the whole process,木自 it participated in the preparation, r飛呢elease, towing, return and connec業高tion of the two FPS家空O plans of "Nan分村hai victory" and "時自offshore oil 111", especially "Nanhai兵下 victory" During the No.高行 1 tie back ope學會ration, the requiremen電可ts for operation accuracy are high, t光拿he sea conditions a在這re extremely bad and the society pay新醫s wide attention,微銀 which has made i的通mportant contributions to章農 the early tie back of t少女wo oil tankers and the ea影放rly resumption of車話 production of Panyu and Liuhua oil吃金fields.

At the meeting, the owner&外新#39;s representative a錯友nd the company's management enco黑店uraged everyone to che謝地rish the honor and create new achi黃雨evements, and continue錯道 to achieve new safety perform又舞ance in a good mental state in the ne腦訊xt stage of underwater cons近技truction.
