Current Position:

The company won the contr你綠actor of the year award o麗這f CNOOC enertech Services Limit了拿ed

Release date:

On December 7, CNOOC Energy睡舊 Development Co., Ltd.門謝 held a partner safety學鐵 production exchange meet月金ing, at which Shanye c飛大ompany won the "safe operatio歌離n contractor" award.

CNOOC Energy Development Co.木相, Ltd. is a wholly-owned s見技ubsidiary of CNOOC G美答roup. There are more 時窗than 4000 long-term s好理ervice contractors, including 39 pr業黃eferred contractors and 17 cor笑身e contractors. The體文 company relies腦日 on the early-stage tec關樂hnical consultation 這了of "offshore oil 1遠學11" dock repair proje電兵ct in 2018, FPSO limit and div通姐ing support when oil tan但窗ker is released, plate repl分但acement in dock, towing guidance 坐關Participate in the whole process of o訊上il tanker connection, and stand out aft師相er selection and recommendation, HSEQ 票些performance review, v刀國oting and selection, a鐘他nd become one of the 10一匠 award-winning units.

Through the in-depth partici外黑pation in the F答紅PSO dock repair project in 2018, t山數he company further exercise間明d the integration ability of 光房the three business segm刀校ents of mooring and紅不 oil lifting, diving en區工gineering and locomotiv少到e repair to focu低看s on the same proj見舞ect, and also laid a so能拿lid foundation for要呢 upgrading to the cor了費e contractor of CNOOC Energy T從秒echnology Development Corporation 討愛Based on professional and t技日echnical advantage筆吃s.

