Current Positio懂內n:

The South China Sea victory was succes地視sfully reconnected

Release date:

With the hard work of 國到the company's日城 underwater installat低讀ion team and towing s亮地tern team, the of上多fshore site faced many dif刀計ficulties such as 近大extremely bad s習一ea conditions, co書通mplex processes and fr區算equent turbulence. The pr多但ofessionalism and d畫愛edication enthusiasm從拍 were high. 10 anchor legs a錢長nd 3 flexible risers o海錢f FPSO "Nanhai Shengli" were successf讀拿ully connected back. Liuhua能會 oilfield resumed produ到懂ction safely in advance at 8:00 on Augu跳慢st 23.


The "Nanhai Shengli" liberation, dock r照街epair and connection project was compl拍慢eted 70 days ahead of the original 很白plan. It has implemented the spirit of家多 the central governm北務ent's instructions on full線短y ensuring the increase of oil a內話nd gas reserves and 拿個production with practical actions,廠可 which has been h城紙ighly affirmed by C熱年NOOC. Shanye company is pr窗上oud to participate in and contribute呢可 to it.

