Current Position:

The company's machine repair depart東空ment helps "offsh器時ore oil 111" dock repair

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On July 30, "offshore oil 11我見1" successfully resumed production.答輛 CNOOC announced that t器報he FPSO dock repair p務能roject of Panyu oilfield was succes關多sfully completed and t話亮he oilfield resumed produ廠習ction ahead of schedule. Wh但民en the news came back to the compan了視y, Qian Guojian, Zhu Longwei, the 鄉生backbone of the "offshore o低有il 111" machine repair pr公筆oject team, and other colleagu醫好es were very proud.

FPSO "offshore oil 111" has been in se聽明rvice in Panyu oilfield in th開業e east of the South China 件美Sea since 2003, and has m那微ade important contributions to th低我e stable and hi書煙gh yield of Pan睡鄉yu oilfield for 15 consecutiv習快e years. In order to ensure the s市師afety and compliant oper爸東ation of offshore facilities in 裡費the long term, CNOOC started the dry 坐城dock repair of the FPSO this year. The 算得mechanical repair Department of有計 the company undertoo關的k the steel plate rep業物lacement business i海開n the severely corroded ar銀區eas of the outer walls 什照of the left and right main generator 店微rooms, left transformer room and M在家CC room during the docking repa紅從ir. The total amount of st懂電eel plate replacement 資中of the project is abo術下ut 900 square meters, includ睡女ing the disassembly and replaceme腦現nt of about 950 sq下務uare meters of inter外拍ior wall decorative boar媽就d and thermal insulation cotton in t雨拍he plate replacement area. The刀鐘 total contract離紙 duration is 60 days. It is very chall服鐵enging for the machine r低很epair department that only fo學工cuses on the interna飛知l ship navigation repair suppo信身rt for a long ti靜東me in terms of workload, w器拍ork content and performanc照算e time.


Zhang Yi, manager of the 窗了mechanical maintenance departme頻笑nt, organized the technical好日 backbone to go to sea several tim計窗es to conduct on-site investigatio書明n and construction planning pre有間paration long befor很冷e the oil tanker was 村章liberated; On April 25, the p為學roject team of the mechanical業藍 maintenance department sta河報tioned in Wenchong朋服 dock to prepar們術e and arrange t討她he construction Pref日會abrication Yard in弟秒 advance; On April 29, when the oil ta高是nker entered the plant, the projec的了t team immediately boarded the 訊坐ship to recheck the constru雜新ction project a場空nd area, and quickly communicated w聽唱ith the owner to clarify the relevant 舊刀construction scheme and change t就了he scope of work, confi學錢rm the major construc長秒tion nodes of the ship, 拍商and ensure the smooth developme就是nt of each node work 計懂with a detailed construc呢聽tion plan.


In terms of specific constr頻訊uction organization, the project team f是火ully considered that the銀好 rainy season in So物科uth China in May and訊國 June would make it diffic畫厭ult for the site with sh雨那ort cycle and heav劇歌y tasks, and resolutely 司為adopted the operation mode of藍員 "white + black" two shifts 訊科and seamless connection of constructo也要rs, so as to ensure新雜 to keep up with the overall 家商dock repair node requirements 聽煙of the owner in日些 terms of efficiency and cy下也cle, quality and qua又謝ntity And completed th書分e established operation 看鐘tasks 7 days ahead of the兒門 original plan.


As a team that has long served站愛 the internal ship voy自空age repair support, th美站e successful implementation of "of去有fshore oil 111" factory repa書就ir project has tempered答站 the constructio身唱n organization ability 照錢of the company's machine r風書epair team, served the tanker dock亮知 repair side by si都電de with the company's towing group 家月and diving grou員行p for the first time, and greatly enh窗科anced the company&#他光39;s confidence in 飛年expanding the repair business of 鐵銀offshore oilfield facil國也ities.
