Current Positio你山n:

Chairman of China diving and s風化alvage industry ass算光ociation visited做子 the Special Committee on Standards媽市

Release date:


On October 28, 2015, song Jiahui, 愛短chairman of China diving and salvage in黃站dustry association,厭要 inspected the subordinate sta理數ndard construction professional資答 committee in Shekou, Shenzhen, and al有機so inspected Shenzhen Huawei offs什月hore Ship Trans國歌portation Co., Ltd. and S他裡henzhen Shanye Industry Co., Ltd.小跳 affiliated to the 新通special committee. T我子he consultant, executive vice chair妹吃man, office director and deputy o美作ffice director of t訊呢he Special Committee received c市分hairman song and reported on t如開he recent work of the special年下 committee. Chairm好務an song instruct麗商ed to step up the construct頻場ion of group standards and make a go請商od work plan for區工 2016.
