Current Position:

Our company carries out safety 人對education and trai拍風ning and fire drill acti媽討vities

Release date:

November 9 of each year is 民店the National Fire Pr看山otection Publicity Day. The them就銀e of "119" Fire P冷議rotection Publicity Day in 2015 is to p微照articipate in community fire議科 protection and build a safe home姐要. In order to do a 鐵嗎good job in this fire pub喝日licity activity, on t有水he afternoon of November好國 9, our company organized some employee技但s to Shenzhen safety education and tr路器aining base for safety e唱工ducation and training and fire e子電scape emergency drill.

Shenzhen safety educatio通務n base, also kno金腦wn as Shenzhen modern safety real sc站厭ene simulation educati下水on base, is the first municipal co低吧mprehensive safety educati美高on place in China. It publicizes 多生safety knowledg冷訊e and skills to the majority of冷謝 visitors in the form of畫生 real scene simulation. Its外見 remarkable feature is real scene是議 display, simul著家ation interaction, teaching in fun, c弟計overing fire control, construction,什技 machinery, transportation, f光輛urniture, electrical app拿我liances, occupational health Natural 通制disasters and other as生會pects.

On the afternoon of Septe章體mber 9, the projects we vis師個ited and experienced involved fire 場匠fighting, traff美東ic and natural disasters.內影 The main contents include: fire esc不機ape and first aid, u鄉呢se of fire exting飛開uishers, emergency evacuation of traffi鄉銀c accidents, escape from eart爸就hquakes, etc. The training報器 made everyone personally feel how to 姐空deal with and deal with the a事司ccident when it林黑 came. Through training and exercises黑鐘, we have improved our abili在公ty to deal with emergencies and saf錢站ety awareness.

