Current Position:

Hong Chong, director of Sha公子nghai Salvage Bureau of th土得e Ministry of transpo作爸rt, and his deleg雜聽ation came to our compan個樂y for inspection

Release date:


On October 20-21, 2015, director Hong C月水hong of Shanghai Salvage Bureau of 家吧the Ministry of transport, the superio道年r competent department of our company, 技睡and his delegation came to our co件畫mpany for inspection短通. Director Hong first visited the co兵請mpany's employees in our hea船外dquarters office in Shekou a錢船nd had a discuss錢爸ion with key management南要 personnel to understand the company&#慢火39;s situation and development p見藍lan. During the discussion, director 說影Hong gave instructions and c要森alled on everyone to overcome the diff件銀iculties of the current world econom雪我ic downturn and try讀器 every means to go 鐵厭abroad and enter為我 the internation低年al market while stabilizin看笑g the domestic mark高議et. On the 21st們行, director Hong and his party we廠近nt to our Huizhou base厭工 to inspect the ship maintenance wor了光kshop of the maintenance department學微.
