Current Position:

The professional committee of in紙輛dustry standard construction o外街f China diving and s北可alvage industry associati男老on was established

Release date:

Professional Commi市長ttee of industry standard con東技struction of China diving and 影鐘salvage Industry Association

The inaugural meeting (one sessio謝樂n, one meeting) a錢秒nd the unveiling ceremony meeting wer北高e held

On the afternoon of August 1, 2014,睡農 the inaugural meeting (one meeting per慢鐵 session) and unvei見短ling ceremony of th麗去e industry standard construc頻著tion professional committee of China di西醫ving and salvage in低爸dustry association劇民 were held in Shenzh請讀en Minghua International 訊愛Conference Center. The meetin影跳g was presided over by Zhan員服g Hui, vice chairman and office direc雜制tor of the special committee.男唱 A total of 39 people電厭, including song Jiahu街厭i, chairman of 朋鐵China diving and salvage industry歌村 association, Wang Fusheng, sup姐會ervisor, Chen Liping, deputy director 好有of coordination and liaiso歌民n department, Jiang Zhihua, executiv離朋e deputy director 中書of the special commit月也tee, other member科上s of the special的國 committee, guests and 村關Kou Wanli, deputy director of Gu生化angzhou Salvage Bureau of the Mi兒數nistry of transport, att放頻ended the meeting場數.

At the meeting, ex話頻ecutive vice chairman Jia鐵話ng Zhihua made a sp開分eech on behalf of Shenzhen Huawei 市也Offshore Shipping Co., Ltd., th學慢e affiliated unit of the speci公吃al committee, and expressed h多術is position on further developing熱高 the work of the s好影pecial committee and implementing線大 the goal of the s醫費pecial committee to男技 complete the "three services"朋內.

The guest delivered a speech on b也的ehalf of the deputy director 事亮of Guangzhou Salvag訊短e Bureau of the Min件學istry of transport.

Song Jiahui, chairman of Ch老師ina diving and salvage近體 industry association, gave 樂票important instructions an但劇d made a detailed in數木terpretation of the general ide動鐘a, one goal, two pursui年車ts and three serv笑的ices of China diving and salvage in票裡dustry association at present廠答 and in the fut我白ure.

Zhang Peiyong, member 理音of the special committee草要 and deputy director of the office, ga照通ve a lecture on the management me北不asures, working ru物件les, management system and 爸訊2014 annual work plan o話熱f the special committee.如男 The management methods, w相湖orking rules and management system of 舊慢the committee were discu匠近ssed and revised. The meet資吃ing requested the office of 年站the special committ美的ee to revise and improve the workin農但g rules of the special committee acc司書ording to the opinions put forward by能村 the members.

Then, the executive vice chairman and土市 vice chairman of the committee were 雪就elected by ballot. Jiang Zhihua was el還錢ected executive vice chairman, and Fang請好 Yiqun, Huang Yan, Zhan司司g yanmeng, Zhu Li, Zhou Pingpin相黑g and Zhang Hui were elected vice chai美月rmen.

Finally, Zhang Hui,嗎離 vice chairman of the special committe樂快e and director of the office, gave a 什制special lecture on 可門"overview of standardization and 師員requirements for 關從standard preparation", intro說海ducing the relevant contents女在 of standardizati樂綠on and matters needing attenti一謝on in standard preparation.

The conference ended in 公國a warm atmosphere房數 and achieved a comp紙說lete success.

