Current Position:

"Offshore oil 111 mooring system r輛風eplacement project"山金 was commended by the 紙低owner

Release date:

In March this y購去ear, the company undertook the "offsho術了re oil 111" mooring sy慢市stem replacement project 水鐘of Panyu oilfield to pr物間ovide air diving install廠們ation and FPSO heading c書鐵ontrol services for 那了the project. Faced with such di去間fficulties as "heavy operation ta朋生sks, non-stop production of FPSO, co開下mplex ocean current and s那生ea conditions, many construc章我tion participant技資s and frequent cross opera北章tions", the offshore project t廠費eam was not afraid o湖路f heavy pressure and had the務自 courage to undertake, invested in購土 heavy work tasks with great work e跳村nthusiasm, and completed all work tas綠月ks before the arrival of typhoon, The e林話xcellent work performance has won t吃和he unanimous recogniti讀地on of the owner and o數匠ther construction par哥門ties. On July 22, CNOOC Pan資你yu operation company specially sent 綠很a letter of thanks to commend the o她上utstanding contribut金湖ions of the compa會工ny's air diving tea議醫m and FPSO heading control team in the女去 overall mooring system 飛子replacement proj但低ect.

