Current Position:

Shanye company su你小ccessfully completed the F化制PSO "South China 小厭Sea Endeavour" STP員員 anchor cable maintenance pr計樂oject

Release date:

From April 22 to Jun制熱e 20, 2014, Shenzhen Sha鄉裡nye Industrial Co妹算., Ltd. organized and implemente術女d the replacement of 9 upper anchor海習 cables in the anchor雨從 cable maintenanc照司e project of FPSO South China Sea en樹得deavour STP (underwate海學r turret production system) of Wenchan就化g 13-1 / 13-2 oil好妹field for the owner Shenzhen COOEC Und大請erwater Technology Co., Ltd.

During the operat木你ion, the upper part家讀 of the STP is separated from t還舊he FPSO, and the bottom of the ST吃師P is connected with 9 ancho場術r cables and suspended in the雨愛 water at a certain dep黃妹th in a state of農如 natural tension bu道藍oyancy. During the operation, 老船the depth of the STP changes with th讀高e tension change caused by 作區the replacement of 9 anchor cab東舊les. The water 計醫depth at the bottom of the STP 暗物is at least 12m and up to 41m厭光. The project fully adopts the ai謝請r diving operation mode supported by d裡紅p-ii mother ship. Our子志 company fully c作個arries out the operat志訊ion in accordance with the requi地員rements of "diving operation 暗城on dynamic positioning mother ship" i從舞n IMCA international di算子ving code. We are equipp如年ed with diving equi劇和pment such as open Diving Bell and 弟人its hoisting system, emerge車玩ncy diving cage 西爸and its hoisting system,冷動 two-way wired communication and vid公靜eo monitoring system with bridge and RO草用V operation contro爸煙l room, During the implementation o房微f DP ship status wa裡為rning system, in full compliance電可 with the requirements of IMC道少A international 人行diving code, bell people are equi小城pped to take care of the bell under拿關water, and emergency divers are equipp嗎術ed on the surface.

DP support has its advantag嗎身es for the operation with朋是 large depth, b舊冷ut for the divi紙也ng operation when the 生坐STP water depth is shall市什ow, the DP operation with very shal火能low water depth has its unique risk時能s to be considered a還信nd the risk control me那商asures to be improved. On the one ha聽從nd, it is necessary to consider the章紅 taut wire release safe朋學ty at the starboard 動喝bow position (there are 9 如音anchor cables, 4 oil pipes and地麗 cables underwater radiating outwar議日d with STP as the center), on和金 the other hand, it is also necessary火行 to ensure that DP ship cuts into the小機 working position a很業t a certain bow pos一光ition (New / old anc秒討hor cables are connect志錯ed to the bottom of 理短STP at the starboard stern inlet 視不bridge), which poses a 可弟certain degree of challenge to男時 the positioning of ship's working 討綠position. Moreover, t得身he controlled umbilical leng去我th of DP operation in very這音 shallow water and deep water 外微conflicts with the requ少生irements of divers嗎遠9; operation radius, which 師學brings challenges to the formulatio笑術n of field procedure輛樂s and operation management of divin亮務g.

The FPSO under the i對下nfluence of wind and current is in use劇從 all year round, resulting in une看見ven stress on 9 anchor cables con秒化nected to it and u在會nequal clearance at the connection and 西木bite parts. During the 場土replacement operation, the 吃身operation support ship nee會制ds to be positioned in 店姐a certain bow direction. Howeve拿道r, when the bow is downward, the ac長錢tion direction of 器和wind, wave and current 分你is easy to affect the support ship,靜姐 resulting in con章微tinuous unstable factors fo理時r underwater disassemb下鐵ly and connection. During t畫但he operation, we made concerted effo腦吃rts to constantly challenge various n商國ew situations a長子nd solve new problems, and complete體作d the project safely 都哥and smoothly. (contributed by Unde愛業rwater Engineering Department)

