Current Position:

The company's hydraulic disa討對ssembly tool fo畫些r anchor cable joint shaft pin has won 電照the national patent

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Recently, good news空哥 came from the Patent Office of 紙少the State Intellectual Pr們光operty Office. The "hydr村你aulic disassembly什間 tool for anchor cable joint 我下shaft pin" submitte從場d by the company was granted a utili聽喝ty model patent. The name of the inven雪土tion is: underwate間空r large anchor cable shaft pin h睡睡ydraulic disassemb腦湖ly tool, patent No.: 2014200633得長654.

The achievement of個章 this patent is the collective歌湖 wisdom crystallization of the compa那上ny's underwater拿遠 engineering technology and construc年農tion personnel's s睡知cientific exploration and many yea地有rs of engineering pra讀煙ctice. From July to August 2011,老也 Shanye organized the preparation of th到場e bid for the "replacement project of 時煙upper anchor cable of mooring anchor 工學cable of FPSO offshore oil 115 STP見廠 in CNOOC Xijiang O司個ilfield", and analyzed in detail 民友the structural shape characte拍東ristics and structural physical 新山parameters of the upper anchor銀新 cable joint, the 得城structural shape characteristics and 錯笑structural physical parameter地藍s of the installation pos務一ition of the cable joint According to 兵計the structural charact明街eristics and phys麗麗ical parameters of the 明數shaft pin connec友也tion between the cable通花 joint and the connecting pl她舞ate, a disassembly tool for the shaft p國道in of the cable join的還t which can be used for underwate看錢r assembly is indep司外endently developed. The initial sample 匠南of the tool has bee森間n disassembled and tested on the 門輛water surface in advance, and 房身has been successfully applied 弟風to the actual of跳來fshore construction after winning the的吃 bid. However, in the scientific spir草相it of excellence, we have been thi照劇nking about how to further optimize t術車he initial sample 一笑design as a whol章朋e.

The opportunity p地紙ays off. At the beginning of this y工技ear, the company won tw吃秒o underwater construction proj坐場ects: "online replacement of FPS水多O offshore oil 111 STP器術 anchor cable in黃聽 Panyu Oilfield" and "re樹志placement of FPSO endeavour STP anc謝可hor cable in South China Se計些a in Wenchang Oilfield". The服事 difference between thes謝湖e two operations and 2011 is that a照厭ll 9 anchor cables w來玩ill be replaced under頻看water one by one, which has no precede劇科nt in China and even t對還he world. Facing the difficulties暗好, the company organized 紅綠personnel to an白藍alyze and study 低我the relevant characteri站相stics and technical parameter算業s of the project 你什in detail, and opti東雨mized and impro有刀ved the original disassem地輛bly and assembly tools: on the one hand信動, the weight of the tools兒分 was reduced to facilitate tra子農nsmission and under對在water installation; On the o厭很ther hand, the 廠時relevant feature parts in事司 the tool are designed ind笑師ependently, and the asse慢醫mbly is flexibly changed accord市看ing to the operation position w了又hen in use; Then長會, mechanical analysis an道我d calculation shall be c吧跳arried out for the optimized and城就 rectified integral as就畫sembly to meet the load 暗厭conditions. Practice has pro做妹ved that the optimiz妹吧ed hydraulic disassembly to著跳ol for anchor cable joint shaft不匠 pin has been more successfully use門我d in the implementation of engineering 秒月projects.

The successful application of 照用the patent adds生資 luster to the strengthening of th文河e company's s刀請oft and hard strength時你. It is the fruit冷裡 of the company's long-term adv媽化ocacy to establish a learning and inn短廠ovative enterprise. It also great子劇ly encourages the innovation enthusi熱少asm and construction se影開lf-confidence of the co什員mpany's technicians, 吧煙and will encourage t河很he employees to strive for more a筆山nd greater achievemen機討ts and contributions in 日見their future work.
