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Breakthroughs in China's FPSO熱地 single point mooring core techno從妹logy

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On September 1, 冷謝the author learn關畫ed that COOEC has successfully develope農在d a complete set of on-line mooring sa懂筆fety technology for FPSO (floating prod花費uction storage and unloading 妹錯device), and the indepe視房ndent research and development of China拿報's FPSO single 新看point mooring core玩話 technology has看器 reached a new peak可鐵.

Mooring system is媽校 one of the most critical facil銀低ities in FPSO technology, whic亮答h is called the "lifeblood" of FP鄉化SO. In the past, the design an樹議d manufacturing of FPSO moo短吧ring system has 雜相been monopolized in the hands of a fe了月w foreign companies. Once the moorin笑生g system fails, it is necessary to hi物嗎re foreign technicians to provide 又門solutions, which is not only 區什very expensive, bu會黃t also difficult t電熱o effectively guarant區熱ee the oil field producti近生on time rate. The FPSO on-line anchor業老 safety technology h媽鄉as successfully broken the foreign 習廠monopoly, which i費船s of great significance.

It is reported that this scientif數什ic and technological achievement has be有笑en successfully 答海applied to "offshore oi業鐵l 111" FPSO in July this year. "Offsho現歌re oil 111" serves Panyu 4-2 /雪間 5-1 oilfield, and its mo路愛oring system is員車 designed and installed by a 輛司foreign company. In recent years,校去 the mooring sy得購stem needs to be upgraded and 一月updated urgently. COOEC has adopted m票他ore advanced design 了農methods than forei高拍gn companies, combined with underwate藍暗r test results,來哥 and creatively carried ou身少t a complete set of detaile紅舞d design work including m如路ooring anchor legs and suction ancho睡花rs, which not only rest說文ored the "health" of FPSO, 水在but also made up for the design 和湖defects of foreign compa鄉不nies.

Previously, the design company has p體那reliminarily mastered the key t不睡echnology of mooring system desi藍開gn through scientific researc明上h topics such as 熱都"feasibility study of '制還;Shengli' FPSO". (c為喝orrespondent Liu Bo)
