Current Position:

Start of the first integrated oilf了為ield demolition project

Release date:

On July 10, Zhifu水劇 Island, the main區黑 operation ship of Jinzhou刀文 20-2sw and Jinzhou 21-1whpa platf事微orm demolition 飛新and related submarine p暗分ipeline and subm兵銀arine cable abandonment constr南腦uction projects, was ancho下人red in place and started constructio新我n. The offshore construction of China&#如可39;s first packaged草多 oil field demo身靜lition project was official術一ly launched.

Jinzhou 20-2sw and Jinzhou 影店21-1whpa platforms were built in 購雜the early 1990s and 2007 笑畫respectively, and both abandone少暗d wells and stopped service讀也 this year. According to the m小說anagement measures for waste 花自disposal of offshore oil and gas pr場姐oduction facilities, the two abandon東視ed platforms shall be 科雪demolished together with the劇白 blocks, jackets, s做師ubmarine pipelines and cables拿靜, flare arms, trestles and other s喝知tructural accessories海物.

For this demolition, the p爸弟latform inspection and demolition頻信 Department of COOEC maintenance 去錢company has carried out all-rou學鄉nd preparations since last year. The錯很 whole offshore co離媽nstruction is exp海自ected to be completed 短工by the end of Se話技ptember this year. (correspondent 北不song Haitao, Ma Qun)
