Current Position:

The spring breez厭個e drives away the對從 plague and haze, and the people's為對 will fills the river city

Release date:

In recent days, when I opened the事火 window, the warmth from t和懂he pavement swept across my face, an關相d the singing of b樂體irds in the bra習線nches was obviously lively. Then 得你I remembered that the rain tick朋冷ing at midnight the day b森購efore yesterday 道做was no longer cold? Loo麗間king forward, looking林樂 forward, the east wind is coming, 的睡and the pace of 笑為spring is approaching


Spring is coming! A少冷lthough you can't go in and out fre我開ely, you also want to get the flow制看ers around the branches and spring of 地答the cherry trees in又些 Luojia mountain.

Yes, in Yanyu river city, gorgeous che村身rry blossoms arrived as scheduled. M懂媽arch is still that M美地arch, but bits 畫線and pieces of the past 得會two months can't help pourin鄉歌g into my heart.

At the end of Decem讀器ber 2019, as the company'女醫;s work is drawing to a close, the expe黃就ctation of returning home for the 是師new year is becoming strong舊裡er and stronger due to t議費he early arrival of the l子姐unar new year. Howe知雜ver, one day, I sudd村路enly saw a statement about unide黑物ntified pneumonia i話森n Wuhan on social media. Out of the 爸年sensitivity of occupational商窗 safety, I immediately called my道短 family and friends in Wuhan 和嗎to pay attention when going out現離. In the twinkling of an eye, at t們理he beginning of January 2020, I heard高光 that there was no abnormality自高 in the whole city of W司慢uhan. Everyone was busy buyin外筆g new year's goods, s來近o I let go of my previous uneasiness an近近d continued to co懂河ncentrate on the finishing work in Sh黃醫enzhen; By the middle of the year, 可他various rumors about unident綠黃ified pneumonia were heard again, but t窗現here was no official statement 她大to the public. I thought the s舞報ituation should be controllable訊在. On January 18, the com議看pany held the annual safety meeting 雪業and also issued several protective ma黃裡sks; On the 19th, my leaders and colle街匠agues dissuaded me from considering做雨 staying in Shenzhen for the n哥森ew year; On the 20th, after費關 careful consideration, I put on my可是 mask and embarked on the road ba和體ck to Han.

That is to say, on the 如見day of the arrival of Wuha火街n on 20 January, the munici理民pal Party committee and the municipal 拍學government sent a letter to the都議 whole public to外林 inform New Coronavirus that the si她費tuation of New 朋離Coronavirus epidemi視他c prevention and control is g們土rim. Everyone, in請讀cluding myself, re生學alized that the epide鄉筆mic situation in th秒妹e country might b動場e "scary". The daughte訊從r who originally planned to come理站 back together call大暗ed us to leave Wuhan for Xiamen for th睡草e new year, so sh微術e immediately bought a 窗著high-speed rail tick房子et to Xiamen at 10 a.m.男內 on the 23rd. On the night of the 22nd工照, I couldn't sleep. I alw姐歌ays felt that somethin得老g big had happened; Indeed, th電些e New Coronavirus epidem懂場ic prevention comman村們d headquarters released a circular N物紙o. first in the morn行唱ing announcing that Wuhan had 兒樂sealed the city since 10 o地鐘'clock in January 23, 2020. As soo爸見n as the announcement was 喝歌made, it was se科文lf deception to say 靜頻no panic. My daughter as年森ked us to change t不章he ticket before 制大10 o'clock and leave Wu內為han quickly. After a shor好空t period of ignor廠房ance, we immediatel費做y recovered our rationality: 黃低my family and I decided to s城用tay and support the謝討 government's clo靜樂sure measures. We should be a 動畫responsible Wuhan people and呢電 not cause trouble to the c生都ountry! Immediatel請秒y returned the high-speed子愛 rail ticket to Xia刀件men and went out to purch作多ase home spare materials.服光

On January 23, 2020, Wuhan p劇資ressed the pause button, and this nine車動 provincial thoroughfare with 舞對a history of 3500 years will re房刀member this day.

Next comes the most unforgett內草able New Year's Eve for all 頻煙Wuhan people. Although th外市ere are fewer car從用s and horses on the streets on the new 鐵舊year's Eve, there are still tho就還usands of lights: t著車housands of peo動讀ple are watching our homes i錢愛n their own ways on this spe謝技cial day.

When people are con又通fined in a space, all k笑內inds of emotions are mo山通re likely to be stimula那訊ted. In those days, we were又讀 overwhelmed by all kinds of "bad news麗兵" that we were caught off小答 guard every day: ambulances an都廠d funeral carriages frequent看用ly went in and out作煙 of the community, the number of conf月家irmed cases and suspecte很自d cases increased, the bad news 場朋of families we knew and她時 didn't know, unfounded but conti火拍nuous rumors and smear, the shortage數和 of protective materials, the ov能器erload of medical staff... P公腦anic became another kind of "plague綠問" spreading. Wu Han peo服理ple have no idea to make相上 complaints about 票日the Spring Festival Gala ag也什ain. Their new year's blessing 文可has become extremely simple這刀: they are alive. In the era還厭 of peace, we are constantl見跳y experiencing great unb人嗎earable weight.

However, the Chinese nat算校ion has always been an unyie謝國lding nation! The epidem要的ic spread from Wuhan to the whole count雨報ry and support from the whole coun問紙try to Wuhan. Love and h謝時ope spread faster than the virus. The現放 people's L湖冷iberation Army came, 歌又the medical teams of brother provin議土ces and cities came, and the rebels rus高都hed to Hubei and Wuhan w雜雨ith great love. On Jan來笑uary 24, Wuhan v低年ersion of "Xiaotangshan" huosh長服enshan hospital was built, fo白但llowed by leishenshan hosp鐵有ital, followed 美睡by the opening of shelter hospitals i睡老n various districts of Wuhan, 玩山striving to realize "bed and ot亮子hers". On January 27, Premier 坐她Li Keqiang came. E什學ntrusted by the general secretary, he 雨了brought us encourag費術ement and encouragement森姐 at Jinyintan hospital on behalf o畫分f the Party Central市讀 Committee and the 北玩State Council. A closed city那還, but not an island.

In the darkest hour, there is l樹高ight ahead. With a long t司票assel in hand, 這拿you dare to bind the blac快黑k dragon. The indomitable p些門eople of Wuhan have never bowed the花吧ir heads in the face of the 窗城rampant virus. The spontaneous anti輛樂 epidemic actions of commu小行nity workers and voluntee鐘中rs make people feel that "hero地熱ic cities have heroic peop請問le". The raging epidemic如子 has finally been controlled by the j時老oint efforts of the wh玩小ole country, the whole Par動街ty and the whole society. In Ma一林rch 10th, general secretary 唱兒Xi Jinping also came to the c短公ritical moment to fi唱影ght against the epide快資mic. He visited the hospit多紅al, visited the commun長國ity, presided over th年算e meeting and delivered speeches, givin就麗g great encouragement t路跳o the officers and men, 暗視to the people of Wuhan and 工到to the people of the whole 章吃country, and to further indic的樂ate the direction of winni雪女ng the battle of Hubei and defending 近還Wuhan.

During the busy inspection, the gen器內eral secretary did歌到 not forget to tell "the間舞 people of Wuhan like to eat 司微live fish and should鐵腦 organize more supply when conditio廠光ns permit."

At the beginning of the epidemic, t醫白he fleet and the company timely es歌黑tablished a working行高 group to deal with th懂這e epidemic and established a wechat gro分公up of Hubei employees. Now think 懂錯about it. The protective masks issue麗開d by the company before 習舞returning to China played a看睡 key role at the critical momen討爸t on the way. Since I r木業eturned to Wuhan, the company and dep吃器artment leaders have been paying clo間機se attention to the healt來紅h and life problems of me and什少 several other Hubei collea水女gues, ranging from the wel亮劇l-being of relatives and friends to t有小he market of meat 區答and vegetables. At the moment whe外雪n the epidemic was the mo妹弟st ferocious and arrogant, the comp場事any asked us what difficulties we cou雨低ld solve. My answer was得謝 "airborne 20 masks 錢不and a national flag". Soon, masks, pr費都otective glasses, gloves, protective北體 clothing, lotus anti plague medicin鄉和e, 84 effervescent parti朋山cles, honeysuckle and the national fla光民g were passed to us at the f又森irst time, warm in our heart坐站s.


In front of the camp, everyone kno請鐘ws the success. Good news one 物離by one, the numbe家朋r of new cases in Wuhan has inc間務reased from more tha空照n 10000 to more than 1000, more than 體弟100, double-digit and single司醫 digit. The number of she明草lter hospitals is from 1 to 2 and 10; O數師n March 10, all 16 shelter hospital個個s in Wuhan were closed. On March請道 18, we finally 鐘區heard the voice that hundreds of mi什長llions of people were 有照looking forward to after "closing" fo關紅r more than 50 days: 0 new confi嗎刀rmed cases and 0 new suspe下有cted cases in Wuhan! On March 2年還2, Wuhan epidemic prevention and 書從control headquar開刀ters informed that i跳到t would gradually restore the c北我ity's public transp新冷ort and promote the resumption著從 of work and production, and the ex問線press enterprise門河s in the city have f外高ully resumed work. On Marc視亮h 24, the epidemic prevention a著兵nd control headqua水計rters of Hubei Province ann還好ounced that from 0:在費00 on April 8, Wuha文高n would lift the control m視事easures for the passag房學e from Han to Hubei都線 and orderly restore externa姐房l traffic. We would對視 rush out of the 喝城city to the company'吧從;s offshore project j現懂ust around the corner.

In the spring of a討信ccompanying the people of Wuha行如n to hold their tenacity and witnessi微車ng the efforts of countless rebel村頻s, the restart key妹商 of the city is ready and r相還eady to open before starting.家東

(Xiang Chaohua, underw村山ater engineering數弟 department)
