Current Position:

"Layman"坐笑; pays close attention to differentiati吧也on and returns to w唱下ork and production

Release date:


On March 5, more than a dozen bi員司g men in warehouse W37 of CNOOC (Hu有妹izhou) logistics base stood outside 制看the door of the workshop. S門章ome spoke, some listen算唱ed and some thought: it turned o照舊ut that the Shanye machine repai門西r Department of the three-purpose f暗體leet was doing safe服腦ty training. Duri作輛ng the epidemic prevention period拍火, the safety of production opera議城tion shall not be relax筆訊ed at all. In this spe舞筆cial "standing outside the do農你or and separatin低舊g people", in view of低這 the characteri影業stics of more hot work in producti刀又on operation, t科她hrough the study哥鐘 of several typi關章cal cases of fire accide可新nts, the employ視員ees have a deeper understa去聽nding of the harmful 務慢consequences of illegal hot work an銀從d the importance of abiding by the "費醫seven guidelines" of hot wo畫樹rk. After the training, the 村物trainees reviewed the use methods o術視f fire extinguishers and fire escape舞朋 skills in combination with the physic明火al demonstration, so as 會微to build a solid fire safe微門ty defense line for winning the epidemi輛會c prevention and interdiction war.


When the outbreak of novel 匠麗coronavirus pneumon那少ia first appeared, 白到the company decided to suspen這河d ship repair business except for t火唱he three fleet and 自和fleet, and set up the pre link新短s of multi party health黑讀 and safety reconfirmatio區匠n, to prevent infection 綠空and external defense input. 要舊However, in the early morning of如裡 February 26, the com要東pany received the ROV emer志年gency loading an唱就d binding task from the long-te弟理rm partner Zhonghai Huigu c員民ompany. After learni吃們ng that the wor校船k support ship is the "Huaxiang" 海站ship of the three-purpose fleet, 分器the company should mak子大e the decision to醫鐵 strictly implement the 但店protection policy, check the health d要一ata of the personnel, an通歌d implement the work工路 task as soon as 地女possible, so as t司現o ensure that Huax間鄉iang starts renting and goes to綠森 sea as soon as possible. On the a好物fternoon of Mar還從ch 11, the company received anoth亮和er repair service dema醫笑nd from another customer compan術個y. The work was to repai靜錯r the berthing bal秒北l required for the diving op就窗eration of the offshore oil storage shi謝話p of Shanye company in early Apr北農il, and the work很事ing ship was the "Huacai" 雨如ship of the three-purpose fleet. Ther視門efore, the company made the hard cor南現e "epidemic prevention + production分海" decision of no one 女報size fits all and formali和中sm.


In the face of novel corona中區virus pneumonia major影他 test, the mecha裡下nic department 了通should strictly impl如對ement the responsib舞少ility of prevention and co跳山ntrol, while facing t資還he special production needs, pre房信vent "one size fits all" and tru很很ly achieve "two error務請s, two promotion". Since January 2習睡5 (the first day對聽 of the Lunar New Year), the 她場mechanical maintenance departme農就nt has worked overtime to co空是mplete 86 repair support 土河businesses for t微和he three-purpose fleet and tugboat fl習坐eet; As of March 17, all person林跳nel on leave from 水讀other places had returned t光視o Huizhou station safely. Except for熱信 one person who had not bee一日n relieved of hom的吧e observation, the rest ha就理d returned to work行現
