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The "blooming多林 ship" is connected back, and the銀要 battle ends in 2017

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On December 27, 2017, th木跳e diving and mooring teams of the 大購company, together with Warw習個ick and other professi拍雜onal forces, overcame many diff土跳iculties under bad 歌水sea conditions and assisted in 暗吃shutdown and overhaul. The f銀南sou of "Nanhai Shengkai" 爸請in May was successfully connec鄉要ted to the single point m數錢ooring system, creating conditions慢老 for the smooth r老來esumption of production of CNOOC Lufeng著林 oilfield.

The underwater inspection, cleaning 少內and recovery of the si讀東ngle point buoy is the 服車key operation befo時志re the "Nanhai Shengkai" returned to少風 the oilfield after mai錯是ntenance. On December 11, the underwa自舊ter engineering department took the 銀金command to set up an emergency team 和黃to start land pr校很eparation, so it worked overtime車身 to submit a practical technical co玩有nstruction scheme, operation risk asses黃冷sment, operation emergency plan, 低是etc. to the owner, and quic校章kly transferred elite generals Im計鄉plement the diving bel物計l and other operation equipmen訊媽t resources, and 坐為take the "Huaming ship" to sea on D去又ecember 15 to seiz聽快e the favorable oper朋區ation time point.

Affected by the用黃 strong cold air, the no現光rtheast monsoon in業鐵 the eastern sea area o窗冷f the South China 這男Sea is booming, and the on-site s不紙urge is basicall個短y more than 3.5m. During the on-s微都ite standby, the d通腦iving team closely observes th老喝e sea conditions with 好金the owner's r金雨epresentative, repeatedly dedu多你ces the process and evaluates the ri資森sk in detail. On the one hand, ther街樹e were no launching c體志onditions under bad sea conditi媽靜ons, and on the oth什靜er hand, CNOOC executives required 司都the time point for the positioning o微吃f oil tankers and the 慢路resumption of oil field prod章信uction. The on-site operators withstoo制人d the pressure and acted音議 actively. Finally, they seiz習還ed the only two operationa錯空l windows and successfully 得吧completed the single poin船知t pontoon cable c友生onnection and o玩樹ther emergency operat國理ions on December 24.

However, in the next two or t男動hree days, the tanker了煙 connection operation 為就under extreme sea con熱民ditions is also a race agains厭地t the clock, repeated se森舞tbacks and repeated bat身唱tles. At 17:41 on December 26, the c快拿ompany received the instru草分ction of "dispatching an experienced m關在ooring captain to 時亮go to sea on the匠玩 morning of the 27th to parti街資cipate in and assist in裡很 the on-site connection operation, 姐就and strive to complete the op們下eration on the sam得吃e day before th去笑e sea condition worsens furth湖得er". At 15:53 on Decemb放開er 27, the good news "t商男he anchor chain has entered 一知the cabin and victory is in sight" cam林男e from the scene. At 16:20, th哥喝e mooring captain Su吧風n Gang informed "the制場 oil tanker has been successfully in動票 place and stopped for test" 高地through high frequ議唱ency.

Thanks to its excellent pe城身rformance in the eme對森rgency response謝舞 of "Nanhai Shengkai"秒冷 in July 2017, the company once兵很 again demonstrated its exc員笑ellent service skills in the imple錢上mentation of the urgent,技吃 difficult and dangerous ta筆新sk of oil tanker connection, displ老快ayed its own strengths an作有d alleviated the urgency of t雨路he owner. It is a re林大liable professional team with good 吧看performance.

