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2017 annual meeting o兒嗎f salvage and Unde去做rwater Engineering Standardizat慢司ion Technical Committee held

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On December 13, t玩河he 2017 annual meeting of 風那the transportation salvage and Un大拍derwater Engineering Standardization 個他Technical Committee was he錢嗎ld in Beijing. Wang Lei, execu鐵東tive vice chairman of the Standardiz坐白ation Committee and deputy dir間光ector of the Sa話海lvage Bureau of the Ministry海數 of transport, 弟木Liu Xiuhua, Secretary General of the S對我tandardization Committee, and o司但thers came from the Salvage Burea媽村u of the Ministry問就 of transport, various rescue bu笑又reaus, fishing bureaus, flight tea鐘白ms, as well as Shanghai diving影兵 equipment factory, Wuh呢藍u diving equipment factory, Guangzhou d區又iving school 28 members and repre謝厭sentatives of Shan弟答ghai Jiaotong University, Nantong U妹老niversity and Shenzhen筆筆 Shanye company attended the meeting.

The meeting also 你長conducted the general electi區議on of the members of th民金e 14th Standardization Committee, 湖視including one elected me海嗎mber and one specially invite市近d member of Shanye company.

