Current Position:

Our company successfully passed t白音he review of BV underwater ins海爸pection qualification certificat分務e renewal

Release date:

On August 13, 2015, BV classif電姐ication society appo做不inted auditors to conduct on-site 金一audit on the renewal of o又件ur bv underwater inspec哥作tion qualificatio高火n certificate. This renewal audit is 地木the third renewal audit since w事器e obtained the certificat她從e. The auditor conducted th廠子e audit by checking the d問去ocuments, asking questions, etc. throu說喝gh the audit, the auditor conside南會red that our company met the condition城數s for renewal audit and agreed to conti相姐nue to maintain the BV 時自underwater inspectio少也n qualification certificate.
