Current Position子微:

Our company holds safety riddle guess刀年ing activities

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In order to enrich the c國他ultural life of employees, a玩雨djust the pressure at work and imp劇近rove their safety awareness,飛海 the labor union of the company and 吧物the safety and quality 東子department jointly held a riddle a遠城ctivity on safety knowledge on the afte機們rnoon of August 4, 2015. Everyone ac那唱tively participated i水放n the activity. The麗了 atmosphere at the a照見ctivity site was active, wh綠海ich not only allevi嗎服ated the tense working atmosphere 還線at ordinary times, but als志答o expanded the safet東麗y knowledge of employees, It was a joy 做劇to see everyone人站 get small prizes after guessing t技公he riddle.

