Current Position:

Our company held the 2014 year-end s煙玩ummary meeting

Release date:

On the afternoon of February 3,話遠 2015, our company held the 2014空又 year-end summary meeting, whi西水ch was attended by general 又冷manager Zhang Hui 海醫and other employees in 我歌Shenzhen. The meeti厭玩ng was presided ov白大er by Xiao Xiaoling, deputy chief些東 engineer.

The main contents of 筆快the meeting are as f筆快ollows: first, t她時he manager of the safety and qu了為ality department summ信錢arized the compa制愛ny's safety management work i日一n 2014 and made arrangements fo動房r the safety work in 2015; Secon自時d, the chairman of the trad紅謝e union summarized the trade union work去舞 of the company in 2014 and pu廠事t forward the trade union work plan i低可n 2015; Third, the general m計多anager of the company summarized the o樂相peration of the company in 2014 and pu大員t forward five hopes: strengtheni村電ng learning, strengthening party 你女construction, strengthening cadre con快銀struction, strengthening system co門廠nstruction and streng冷離thening style const見雪ruction; Fourth舊習, outstanding em厭雪ployees, advanced safety小湖 individuals, safety a畫微ctivists and trade union activ工有ists in 2014 were com國分mended and awarded.

Finally, the meeting 場歌ended in a warm atmosphere.

