Current Position:

The company successfull鄉內y completed the oil extract得對ion service of 500 ships in Caof我謝eidian oilfield

Release date:

A sword in ten years, 看為carrying hardships, working hard and愛門 hard, writing a magnif劇輛icent chapter of 500 shi近南ps

Thousands of Ge stri樹這ve for the current,還朋 climb the peak br拍路avely, coexist with challenges an山又d opportunities, and jointly 事習create the brilli西制ance of the cen關筆tury oil industry

- record of oil extraction b我拍y 500 ships in Caofeidian Oi業作lfield

On January 19, 2015, under the comman影我d of Captain Qiu Huiche但坐n and with the slow departure of the坐器 oil tanker "sanding Ch新微angle", the company 好電safely and successfully completed th還請e landmark 500th cr雨路ude oil export task of 視就Caofeidian oilfield.

Caofeidian oilfield is located in th讀風e Western sea area of Bohai Bay, wi喝西th a water depth of ab影弟out 20m. Crude oil is connecte舊要d with FPSO and lift tanker throu見是gh offshore floating hos在哥e to realize export. At the begi對木nning of the oilfield production,近件 the company appointed c會又aptain Shi Yuhong to lead the team to c答鐘arry out the task of crude oi關可l export. With Shanye's ye這雪ars of experienc校火e and serious and弟也 pragmatic work attitud影物e, and compared with the charact做還eristics of Caofeidian oilfield sea湖內 area, we have gradually for就服med a targeted workf雨校low system since t請知he first oil extra數鄉ction. Based on a series of studies 知電represented by the export em音空ergency departure p水的rocedure scheme a看不nd the dynamic monitori如美ng program based on the s件火ea state and ship dynam煙些ics in the Bohai Sea and acc紙醫urate statistical analysis by compu熱不ter, we can accurately calculate the re答關lative situation and ship dista筆媽nce between relevant ships in the moor明章ing process, and monitor新低 the ship dynamics就商 in the export process, It ha頻自s greatly improved the efficiency o東火f oil extraction and the oil fi話光eld's control of oi工行l extraction ri鐵坐sk. Caofeidian oil field has neve紅畫r stopped production or reduced下去 production due t農金o export. From the first 熱刀ship to the 500th ship, an章腦d from captain Shi to captain Qiu, 小妹it has been continuously inherited不快, relay innovatio北輛n and fruitful.

When the warm winter s相坐unshine in northern Ch些師ina shines on the calm sea surface of 現照the Bohai Sea, suddenly lookin女學g back, the Bohai operators人北 of the company have worked報師 hard in Caofeidian oilfi票哥eld for ten years. O舊通ver the past ten years, adhe冷金ring to the principl睡森e of giving consideration to s好厭afety and efficiency, we錯現 have been consci行年entious, continu那技ous innovation, earnestly頻鐘 fulfilled our responsibilities黃用, only a satisfactory answer for oi呢劇lfield export operation, and refu亮用el for a better tomorrow o又理f the company!

