Current Position:

Our company won the QHSE m資議anagement excellent contractor awar吃用d issued by COOEC

Release date:

At the 2013 contractor / supplier Q愛草HSE work meeting of Shenzhen offshore o車離il engineering U答中nderwater Technology Co., Ltd. held o民木n March 20, 2013, our company obta體購ined the & ldqu就廠o; Excellent contra一很ctors in QHSE Management in 2012 &a謝地mp; rdquo; Award. As a 吧算contractor of CO訊能OEC, our company has provided high生長-quality diving operat她工ion services for COOEC for many year爸生s, and won the excellen兒校t contractor award of QHSE Management 麗們for many times. This year, we 紙靜won this honor again. T請店his year, 6 contra草樂ctors and 3 suppliers won the awa做飛rds.

