Current Position:

Our company held the 201事好2 year-end safety meeting

Release date:

On the afternoon of January 1區腦1, 2013, in Shekou Yinli Hotel, o遠技ur company held the 2012 year-end sa拿不fety work meeting, wh煙笑ich was attended by 身照more than 50 employees in Shenzhen.行姐 At the meeting森司, we summarized得個 our safety wor麗草k in 2012, prospected the safe藍數ty work plan in 201明們3, and commended the ad又機vanced individu廠很als and safety activis兵友ts in 2012. Finally, the gener光飛al manager of the company made a 議報concluding speech and asked the 錯筆employees to conti數公nue to be strict with理慢 themselves, unite sincerely and花門 jointly do a good job in the saf舞但ety management of the company.月金 (Guo Xiaoping, safety and qual刀通ity department)

