Current Position:

Won CNOOC diving safety qual作票ification

Release date:

Our company has been conce有西rned about diving safety for many years姐聽, strictly abides雨資 by the advanced diving sta數舞ndards at home and abroad in是媽 the management of diving p都鄉ersonnel, equipment and procedur黑答es, and participates in t聽弟he construction of diving stand畫街ardization in Chin兵男a. The company has won the firs行還t place in the co制河mpliance audit of diving contractor車習 of CNOOC for six consecutiv錯農e years. Recently, it officially obt空照ained the safety qualification爸匠 of CNOOC diving operation and became生男 the first batch月外 of Diving Contractors recognized by知房 CNOOC.
