Current Position:

Successfully completed the renewal rev行訊iew of offshore facilities inspecti低購on qualification of the State Administ錯間ration of work 業雜safety

Release date:

On September 4, 2012, a gr美不oup of 5 experts orga風司nized by the offshore oil o風離peration safety office of the St為農ate Administration of work safety cond窗工ucted a triennial on-site review of務輛 our company's "qualificati道喝on of offshore facilit算我ies inspection an紙月d testing organization影技". The expert g校技roup agreed to continue年音 to approve our company計師 through on-site personnel equipment體章 certificate inspec我姐tion, personnel inqu知線iry, report inspection睡來, equipment viewing,費鄉 etc "Qualificat訊現ion of offshore facilities inspe學國ction and testing or習機ganization".
