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Departure 2020 - seize the day an媽雜d live up to your youth

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The sea breeze ble城道w over the sea surface務火 of wailingdingyang. On the eve of the文風 new year's bell, the 10 p志話erson diving team of Shanye c拿看ompany boarded the d員都eck of China's first 3妹藍000m pipe laying ship "offsho慢數re oil 201" and started th就森e first operation task in 2020.

What is the best new 器舊year for engineers? It i了志s undoubtedly a good st時行art with a perf水就ect "task completion". Before undertak飛子ing the next important task, the dee暗開p water vehicle "o紙年ffshore oil 201" must disassemble河開 the stinger and temporarily 我靜notify our Shanye diving team如亮 for support. The work task is not v來體ery complicated報師, but the key time window still needs t金影o be guaranteed in the futur業文e. Therefore, th雜門e operation team led by diving direc快工tor Hu song was given the mi計樹ssion of "making a good start" for 南事2020 by the company.


On December 31, 2019, at She黃作nzhen Chiwan wharf, the person in c術森harge of the company led the backb草空one of safety, mar紅術keting and other departments to board短街 the transport ship, checked the equ書明ipment configuration and deck 但鄉binding one by one, and cheered街有 for the "first battle of the new近店 year". At 19:0湖習0 that night, a影城fter six hours of sailing, t頻件he operation team successfully arrived 短工at "offshore oil 2師討01".

Busy, sounded the first note in the mo高民rning of new year's day. In 車到order to ensure a targeted response爸說 to the new problems that may be rais拍文ed by the owner at the whole ship op紙大eration seminar 火嗎at 9 a.m., before 7 o'clock, 舞少diving supervisor空森 Yao Chuanhui has led e森爸ngineers and divers to the site to c明很heck the construction area嗎答, analyze launching 湖算conditions and prepa場村re the operation s得物cheme. According to the determin物男ed construction plan, 理看equipment hoisti關遠ng, installation and commissio開這ning are also ca房謝rried out in an o術綠rderly manner in this other people不南9;s holiday; Among them, the 錢錯busiest one is Zhang Wa街睡njun, the electromechanical m讀喝ember of the team. He not only快視 has no complaints商身, but also has a simple smile of fron照多t-line workers on his fa哥和ce. All this has laid the foun都錯dation for the successful completion業刀 of the work task.影空

"Who will take the first務窗 water?" divers Wu Qiang and Xu Z音風henfu after 85 took over the 唱答task. In this team int南從egrating the old and th吧子e new, the young people are brav從錢e to be the first, not afraid of ha小通rdship and difficulty, and the o美學ld comrades are careful to teach,廠冷 not afraid of 拿秒trouble and complexity. T你紅he launching posit我師ion structure of the stin如玩ger is complex and the water 樹影flow changes greatly. In order to ens站他ure the safety of the first shift o體東f water this year, senior divers Zeng也下 Xianglun and Wang Dalun a睡村lways pay attention to 匠話the position of the launching per做行sonnel during the ca裡朋re process, adjust the l弟子ength of the umbili線和cal cord to prevent winding and通們 other dangerous si習店tuations. They ofte高農n can't breathe a sigh of relief船匠 until the young people get out o有視f the water smoothly.

After four days of hard work, the sting業分er disassembly for the follow-up co了件nstruction of "offshore oil 201如雨" was completed ahead o國見f schedule, which was the op相鐵ening declaration of Shanye co雜銀mpany when it set out電話 in 2020. Each of us i又著s an ordinary perso店我n, doing ordinary things, but each or站秒dinary adds up, we will mak能雨e solid achieveme答的nts. Facing the vast sea日厭, what do we take to conquer the diffic可用ulties and dange電有rs that we may face at any 外問time? Only do your ordinary t他離hings with your heart, irrigat東腦e the harvest with sweat, mov街志e forward firmly with hard work, 靜湖seize the day and live up購數 to your youth. (Li Guorui)

