Current Position:

Plan ahead, store sk金懂ills and train the team b船醫ased on actual combat

Release date:

——Investigation in the dock of "拍關offshore oil 121"


On December 5, the company's under答木water engineering department村妹 went to Shenzhen Youlian shipyard to時機 investigate the FPSO "offs舊門hore oil 121" (formerly fenghuangzhou答好) under reconstruction in the dock ar線購ound technical proble知生ms.

Plan ahead and res都志erve service skill房技s. Although there is no di場計ving project plan in the s到人hort term after the FPSO i離妹s reconstructed and put into op刀計eration, our company always adhere那湖s to the service awarenes那音s and has repeatedly taken the initiat慢音ive to carry out in dock現車 investigation on t花資he "offshore oil個姐 121" still under reconstru國話ction on different o到河ccasions, so as to master the first謝開-hand direct observation da票學ta of the hull underwate林弟r structure in advance. Xu Ji鐵低n, manager of unde黃事rwater engineering department, led th務跳e backbone of supervisors an章黑d engineers to measure and collec玩新t a large number of phot日高os and data during the investigation厭業, identify the relative position of und輛藍erwater main structures relative to wat看算er surface structures and a票遠djacent main structures, extract relev子件ant information 快錢about underwater m答月aintenance and pluggin老門g, and reserve sufficient金兒 preliminary da章錯ta for bidding for such bu員制sinesses, It also provid明如es a more intuitive and reliable 來很reference for possibl行在e engineering op去高erations in the futu藍著re.

Based on actual combat, interna件好l training team abil拿化ity. What the owner is most c輛科oncerned about is what we are大購 most concerned about. While carrying o路山ut the research,是知 we analyze the ship position民為 of the underwater stru坐黃cture, the ship position that the di河坐ving support ship can行很 take, and the favor著購able positioning cooperation between t森問he underwater operation and the 東媽diving support ship from the pe吃讀rspective of the 鐘放field implementation of the校妹 diving operation team; Analyze師朋 the underwater st作綠ructure characteristics and possibl數匠e structural int師國erference in maintenance / plugg說上ing operation, provide possible struc市懂tural adjustment suggestions for the ow志厭ner, and provide s視男trong technical support for船離 tooling design, construc西北tion scheme design and safety program時嗎 design of maintenance / p快風lugging.

I found my own i志西deas in this resea長樂rch activity on how to refine m男工y personal experience into team abilit可農y, so as to maintain間兵 the continuous improvement煙什 of team ability. As a new 子草engineer of the Ministry of hyd雜兵raulic engineering, in t有機he face of the huge坐習 FPSO underwater str花冷ucture, from talking on paper 體飛at the beginning to observing, wal村月king, doing and thinking fro會愛m the perspective of underwater d報不ivers after switching ideas, and throu坐討gh "drilling into the hole", he gave 動少one-to-one and ma雨歌ny-to-one practical gui熱不dance on the site of 很不experienced diving supervisors and se男南nior engineers with clear wo湖刀rking ideas Under the "mentoring" mo科什de, the new member和務s of our team have a m場說ore intuitive understanding of the oper村又ation and const頻雨ruction technology, whic我厭h also greatly enhances our confiden音科ce in dedicating our underwater en聽地gineering business.

The investigation was also 笑銀positively responded and strong鄉民ly supported by the為照 leaders of CNOO上窗C deepwater engineering constructi用也on center and the "offshore oil 121也能" reconstruction project拿東 team, which laid a g鐵店ood foundation for the subs舞樹equent possible projects. As a d藍聽iving recruit, I 樹那realized that only wit務紙h a wide vision can討友 I have wider skills. (Li 好讀Guorui, Ministry of Hydraulic Engineer時化ing)
