Current Position:

The Party branch of the company a什員nd CNOOC jointly 到分build safety cu放讀lture

Release date:

In order to strengthen the o的銀rganizational strength, cohesion an去內d combat effectiveness of grass-roots p冷鐵arty organizations, the company多女's Party branch and the coordinat雪地ion department branch of CNOOC黃影 Shenzhen branch jo土風intly carried out sa雜少fety culture co constru媽答ction activities. The two sides舞樂 held a brief and gran黃懂d launching ceremony in CNOOC 子路building on March 28書但.

Since the first ship of crude oil高分 export from Huizhou oilf長視ield in 1990, Shan街不ye company has safely lifted nearl資她y 8000 ships for 綠相CNOOC. "It is more urg高河ent for ships to wander in 低亮the middle of the sea 書會and steeper for people t議來o travel in the middl也樹e of the mountain". How t市線o continue to achieve g妹作ood safety performance in件說 the future and contribute to the high-熱文quality development of mooring a拍麗nd oil extracti快他on in the east of the Sou很海th China Sea is an importan都資t topic in front of S票拍hanye team. This 著吃co construction activity coincide弟民d with the time and took advan身件tage of its momen國子tum. Representative東醫s of both sides signed a 民年safety culture proposa可道l at the kick-off 市妹meeting, promising to 房去keep their original intention村秒 and pursue their d章雜reams according to the conte睡空nts and processes determ舞媽ined in the co construction schem章章e list, and deeply integrate the cons答讀truction of grass-root舞電s party organizations with pro站術duction and operation through不多out the safety of oil extrac北會tion operation in the eas農紙tern South China 志年Sea in 2019.

