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CNOOC owner visits the divi多影ng site to carry out 為用monthly safety production件通 inspection

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On June 27, the Deepwater engin日車eering constructio亮不n center of CNOOC Shenzhen Branch, the 做冷Ministry of quality, health, safety答這 and environmental protection 子東and the operation a這姐rea of Xijiang oilf的得ield visited the underwater 熱錢special inspection operation site o人坐f "offshore oil 115", carried out spe友人cial safety inspection an金長d operation guidance on the div頻站ing support ship "huacailun", and i的白mplemented the "life first and 美多safe development" of the 17t朋是h safety product哥近ion month in China with p你街ractical actions Theme.

"Offshore oil 115" is a 房這floating oil stor爸秒age ship serving in Xij厭草iang oilfield. In到學 order to cooperate with 微爸the disassembly and inspection of valv冷歌es in the cabin, Shanye信見 company needs to block the 視著submarine door;兵雜 Affected by the engine room water科市 inflow accident of "South 靜海China Sea in full bloom" in 2土我017, the owner put forward str書雜ict requirements for u林兒nderwater plugging operation fro朋吃m top to bottom. This op志月eration is the f短長ocus of the owner among the fo音呢ur diving projects 都內carried out by 站子Shanye in the east of the亮嗎 South China Sea at the same 藍文time. In order to effecti房爸vely control the operation risk, 樹舞in the early construction design鐘看 stage of the project, Shanye compan兒但y, together with t匠從he engineering construction center, Xij會公iang operation area an動秒d other relevant unit日錢s, developed a technical scheme fo科玩r double pluggin的爸g with special pluggin又都g tools (triple plugging in some唱下 areas). While re司明peatedly discussing and demonstrati窗雨ng the rationality, feasibility and 樹子reliability of the plugging p的熱rocess, all parti頻店es also defined the communication 討好channels and methods, isolation r也熱equirements and key node con白花firmation procedures of the diving oper金厭ation team, FPSO and DSV durin路很g the on-site co頻化nstruction, and made full use of刀少 technical means and 內窗management methods to con熱站trol the operation risk, 校河so as to reduce the residual risk of草頻 the project to AL妹服ARP (the lowest r車風easonable and feasible) Level of.

Underwater plugging operatio樹哥n is directly related to the life sa土車fety of divers and t個跳he production safety of oil票黃 tankers. This inspectio嗎腦n focuses on the actual imp兒放lementation of construc很書tion scheme, on-si個報te risk analysis,機化 work permit system and eme子窗rgency response. The inspection team a拿大ffirmed the operation risk control le時紙vel in the process of proj看金ect implementation, especi些鐵ally the key node 計體confirmation proce麗但dure initiated by the project, 鐘筆It is worth populariz看在ing in the eastern waters 山林of the South China Sea. At the same河樂 time, the inspectio紅國n team also pointed out 林唱that the project site needs to be 那信further improved and opti子鄉mized in terms of d都嗎ocument records,子雨 site identification and wire ro不音pe maintenance mode. The inspection東暗 team also paid more attention to the 家低diving operators in the field of he頻兵atstroke prevention and coo見得ling.

"Only by adhering to 你妹the concept of life first can we a議視chieve safe development章很," said Xiang Chaohu自光a, the project ma購媽nager. At present, the op什女eration site has c購年ompleted the rectificatio店關n one by one according to低章 the safety inspection requirements.

