Current Position:

Kick off meeting作費 of FPSO "offshore oil 115"生時 underwater projec草外t held

Release date:

On April 28, CNOOC d門高eepwater engineering constr近煙uction center, 通現Shenzhen Huawei 煙照and Shanye company held the kick-off 答相meeting of FPSO "offshore oi議老l 115" underwater project on t化多he diving support ship "Huacai". The me她媽eting of all participants not only身務 focused on the overall co關她nstruction strategie鄉了s such as construction scheme and JSA, 知錢but also focused on crane, helicopter l音雨ifting, water access 紙很A-frame, cage safety pin, bot的現tom covered steel wire文紙 Personal protec內畫tive equipment and other sp雨些ecific and subtle potential ri現下sks. It was emphasize花微d at the meeting that routine operatio理秒ns should not be taken lightly, that 風唱management should be stren答店gthened when changing operations, 亮坐and that on-site constructi生見on should be on g如區uard against arrogance 那音and impatience, con山跳sider comprehensively and dra湖友w inferences from one in時對stance.

The project team has cooperated 日對with the company's 內現towing team and other parties to在玩 successfully complete the relief w書謝ork before the docking錯黃 of FPSO "offsh很門ore oil 111". The next stage費高 of construction will continue to take習一 the "Huacai" ship to sea on Apri行下l 30. The specific tas雜短ks are the desig路鐘n and setting out of the unde都藍rwater plugging tool of "offsho資笑re oil 115" and the remaining work of湖是 the underwater 件工inspection of "友身offshore oil 118".
