Current Position:

The company parti地火cipated in the 2017 Shenzhen offsh銀家ore comprehensive emergency drill

Release date:

In order to popularize water近火 traffic safety knowledge and impro山業ve maritime social a下好wareness, "maritime open day" - ci裡新tizens' observation of 2017 Shenzh雨門en Maritime comprehen美黃sive emergency drill was 爸我successfully held in Dapeng Bay on 美要the morning of June 習可29. As an important part of the a錯車nnual marine comprehensive笑爸 emergency drill, the eve件有nt was uniformly organized and dispatc議秒hed by Shenzhen Maritime Safety Adm醫我inistration, with the participati討算on of our company, Shenzhen房資 Huawei offshore S姐事hip Transportation Co.,美區 Ltd., CITIC Marine Helicopter Co., L河用td. and other professional e樂行mergency forces.

The drill simulated a "col她風lision" between a passe身些nger ship carrying tourists 錢熱and an oil tanker carry如謝ing 1000 tons in the waters of東愛 Dapeng Bay in E物短astern Shenzhen. Three people on如樂 the passenger ship fell into為樂 the water, some 件理passengers were injured, the船暗 pipeline of the oil tan媽書ker was damaged, and a技城 small amount of cargo oil leaked. She場船nzhen Maritime Safety A通老dministration organized more than他廠 10 units to carry窗亮 out emergency rescue and marine poll街地ution cleaning. The joint exerci地關se included five subjects: first aid a東志nd air transfer, sea我花rch and rescue of drowning per子木sonnel, offshore oil spil不東l disposal, offshore fire fighting a說信nd hull explorat要聽ion. Shanye company was mainly respon少銀sible for the hull underwater explorati懂廠on of the wrecked tanker and p唱河articipated in 劇外the air transfer 家街of the wounded. A total of 21視房 boats, 1 helicopter, 2 ambulances, 3花黃0 maritime volunteer畫微s and more than 2司書50 participants f司空rom 14 units participate對民d in the rescue drill, realiz高木ing the tripartite linkage of s城做ea, land and air,離她 the seamless connection between mariti空商me rescue, air searc算鐵h and rescue and lan玩兵d medical resettlement,雪錢 and simulating the actual si會家tuation of maritime rescue to the gr但媽eatest extent Dapeng New Area 綠劇Government and oth看哥er relevant leaders and more than 秒地70 citizens took a船熱 boat to observe the whole process.分業

