Current Position:

The company held the s歌可hareholders' meeting得司 / board meeting in 2017

Release date:

On March 21, th車光e company held the 2017 sharehol問藍ders / board meeting in Shekou, Shen銀刀zhen. A total of 13 shar林了eholders' repr員歌esentatives, directors, supervisors湖謝 and Shanye management from CNOOC城音 Energy Development Co., Ltd. and 姐綠Shenzhen Huawei Offsho子離re Shipping Co., Ltd. attend哥慢ed the meeting.

The meeting was p女近resided over by Ch慢頻airman Zhang Hui, and Tan Jiaxiang 廠照and Jiang Zhihua m鄉煙ade important speeches on behalf of s務資hareholders. The 高美meeting deliberate店煙d and approved the company&樂報#39;s annual work sum鐵現mary and plan, financial 物子report and profit distr數師ibution plan.
