Current Position:

The company has won the national and Sh大理enzhen high-tech enterprise qualificati兒體on

Release date:

Through the procedures of scheme op快商eration researc懂歌h, data application, ex綠醫pert review and social publicity,車醫 the company has won the "t錯又wo high" qualifi愛畫cation of national high-tec知空h enterprise and Shenzhen h計時igh-tech enterprise. Th去路e company has long advocated 房他the construction of learning and innov商樂ative enterprises, with a strong atm算但osphere of technological research 公風and technological in你雪novation, high participat舞兵ion of employees in techn農答ological research a愛遠nd innovation exploration. It has succ光謝essively presided over or p司村articipated in 開頻the development of m海紅ore than 20 national and transporta個路tion industry standards, pub近快lished a number of p外下rofessional technical works, translat為了ed and introduced a number用票 of international indust場不ry technical specifications, w日兒hich have been adopt做開ed and promoted by CNOOC,什暗 It won the China Navigation Science an光要d technology award twice暗化 in 2007 and 2013. In rec冷女ent years, the company ha道費s further encouraged s爸很cientific and technological research紙明 and development and released知相 its innovative ability. M劇家any national patents repre來是sented by large underwater anchor pin來個 hydraulic disassembly tools and a ser業外ies of software copyrights rep現明resented by AIS 嗎玩oil lifting monitoring software have坐慢 been emerging. The air diving medical 報這support and diving數熱 mother ship sele事廠ction industry sta分水ndard development projects have be明一en launched one after anot道山her, The cylindrical FPS媽報O export feasibility study proj那海ect has been successfully ap黃購proved by China Nati高明onal Offshore Oil Co很志rporation and the Ministry of s南金cience and technology. It is r睡玩elying on these innovative achievement服我s that the "two high" qualification服數 application can be successful in one 飛畫fell swoop. In the futur來金e, the company will cherish the hono明年r and polish the qualificati說南on. On the one hand, i可就t will combine the intellectual低輛 achievements with product地在ion practice into real銀子 productivity. On the other動麗 hand, it will dee器喝ply explore and connect the natio短會nal and local scientific 老地and technologica動笑l support and subsidy policies, so a師習s to help the company respond影學 to the deeper, far司化ther and stronger vision of Sh跳從anghai salvage with practical ac身錯tions and cultivate i件火ts business More long-term plann地好ing and developme好章nt, and more strengthen professi放呢onal service ability!

