Current Position:

Suizhong 36-1 terminal completes t都近he safe export of crude 行森oil to 3500 ships

Release date:

Recently, it was learned from CNOOC你線 that as of December 25, t機的he Bohai Suizhong 36-1 生銀terminal served 歌朋by Shanye company had successfully comp煙店leted the landm務熱ark 3500 ship crude oil export日自 operation, and also achieved the safet中長y record of "zero accident" export音們 for more than 5800 days.

Suizhong 36-1 c西放rude oil terminal 票新plant was put i務金nto operation in November 2藍少000. It undertakes the 少務tasks of crude oil storage, bott這校om water treatment and e子慢xport of more than 30 platforms belon時著ging to Suizhong 36-1 Oilfield Group,站鄉 LvDa Oilfield Group and Jinzhou 25器也-1 South oilfield group. It is 亮時currently the largest crude 事到oil terminal integra就坐ting land oil storage and export of業劇 CNOOC in China. At pres好放ent, the annual crud雜就e oil export volume of the termin說坐al remains above 9 million ton國木s, and one ship of cr音電ude oil will be exported in an ave文師rage of less than 1.2 days. Since the c些服ompany began to undertake t放中he crude oil ex公資port service of the ter南請minal at the end of路低 2015, the company has given full pla美科y to the advantages 間爸of professional mooring and o雜影il extraction comp章風anies, and selected export captains 討物with rich opera農身tion experience to participate都場 in it, so as to contribute to the 東窗safe and smooth production of the 鄉他terminal.
