Current Position:

The anchor leg maintenance proj長科ect of "Nanhai Shengli&qu學你ot; was officia樹秒lly launched

Release date:

On September 17, C睡年NOOC Shenzhen Branch convened COO影訊EC Shenzhen company, Warwick company訊答, Shanye company and other parties外舞 to hold a pre sea con市腦struction risk analysis meeting in H計亮uaming, marking the official laun服廠ch of the anchor leg repair見唱 project of FPSO Nanhai victory, 現我which has been 一村prepared for nearly two months.少生

Nanhai Shengli is loca熱媽ted in Liuhua 11-1 oilfield in the eas開匠t of the South China Sea. 對大Its inner turret single point mo放到oring system is fixe湖報d to the seabed樂村 through 10 anchor legs.金好 This operation project舊姐 is of emergency maintenanc自刀e nature. The work content is to coop房子erate with the engineering ship "offsho影道re oil 291" to complete the steel ca做唱ble replacement of No. 1 and No. 2 anc唱這hor legs. The senior leaders of the o跳不wner attach grea個都t importance to 那拿the project plan. Pre吧綠viously, they h通黑ave led many work plan reporti白公ng and risk analysis meetings at vari人空ous levels, emphasizing that while妹自 eliminating the hidden dangers of of化話fshore faciliti事花es, they should遠近 also accumulate experience for the 那事maintenance of other anchor legs i通懂n 2017 and the overhaul of mooring 能門system in 2018. The Under金對water Engineering Departme爸短nt of Shanye compan我子y is responsible fo這嗎r air diving construction 一關of the project, and the maritime servi雪章ce department is r紙一esponsible for FPSO heading contro務刀l; Huapeng, Huaming and HUAFA tugboat業個s of Warwick company als短話o participate as diving support ships 在車and stern ships w時低ith FPSO heading co日湖ntrol respectively.

On May 17, 2006, the frontal attack 友會of Typhoon "Pearl" broke seven ancho中友r chains and three hoses 市樂of Nanhai Shengli, and Liuhua oilfi用個eld was forced to stop producti區少on.

