Current Position:

Completion of dy民厭namic riser installation p舊用roject in Enping Oilfie知船ld

Release date:

On May 10, 2016, our company wo湖又n another maritim公唱e battle - Dynamic riser instal筆員lation project of E藍日nping 23-1 oilfield group. The inst務舞allation operation is c子樂arried out online unde工愛r the production status of FPSO off事家shore oil 118. The air diving o風看peration is constructed by the Underwat有學er Engineering Departm年愛ent of the company, and 話現the FPSO heading 務說control is undertaken by the ma商嗎ritime service d玩志epartment. The unity officers an美費d construction directors of each笑廠 operation face. It is said that 動紅it is the first case in China 對師that aPL single point moo內北ring FPSO completes the機電 pulling operation in dynamic riser in地醫stallation without releas農慢e and slip ring物歌 displacement.

The narrow space of underwater上年 construction angle is one of the遠舊 difficulties in project operation. Th外分e routing orientation 錯線of the dynamic riser to be i空外nstalled is 285 °, and the include電都d angle between its adjacent 9# 國書anchor cable (324 °) is話間 39 °. In order to少大 facilitate the diver&站土#39;s underwater operation and 不學safe operation, and ensure西樹 that the incident在土 angle and output angle of the lif媽黃ting wire rope laid by the d森場ynamic riser do not interfere wi水門th the original an火見chor cable, the FPS慢資O heading shall be controlled at 210 °通計 - 220 ° during air diving operati開話on. At this time, the air submers舊小ible support ship is located開廠 in the included雜身 angle area between the dynamic riser 開哥and 9# anchor cable, and the 大下incident angle of the lifting w房她ire rope laid by the dynamic ris去這er is about 300 °, The a訊少ctual underwater working surfa南請ce of air diving o綠場peration is only about 15 °.

During the operation, o女裡ffshore oil 118 但木encountered the urgent situation of ful購愛l load, crossflow, thunderstorm我業 weather and force 長的interface of level 7 cross win劇分d at the same time. Th女少e bow control gr相金oup guided the oil tank內飛er, tugboat and other relevant partie業妹s to be on duty and deal with calmly.嗎錢 FPSO always maintaine外樹d the pre-designed direction and angle,都司 which effectively多美 ensured the safety of underwate好費r construction.
