Current Position:

Our company carries out health knowledg他少e lectures

Release date:

As the saying goes, the 拿窗body is the capital北頻 of revolution. In the fa鐘西ce of increasingly worsening environ師事mental pollution a近信nd food safety problems, hea村老lth is becoming more and more conce是國rned. Especially in recent 一動years, the increasing 明請incidence rate o唱數f malignant tumors has brought gre道服at pain to the people, and has also inc是公reased the burden 靜資on enterprises and countries.

In order to improv朋新e the health care awarenes門花s of the company's employees an件鄉d enhance their ability to preve開亮nt diseases, our company held現少 a health lecture on cancer on the a市在fternoon of November 17. During the 能自lecture, the staff list雜到ened carefully, 內林actively answered t體如he questions raised by th土理e lecturer, asked鄉司 about the methods of t會水umor prevention and identific會國ation, and conducted in-depth discus問畫sion with the lectur討了er in combination with their 南熱own cognition.

After the lecture, the staff said 林化that they had benefited a lot, whic時聽h not only improved thei紙訊r understanding of the mechani生風sm of tumor occurrenc是爸e, but also increased their坐長 knowledge of identifying so件好me common tumors. Can公文cer prevention measures ma多些inly have two aspects: one is to ha信筆ve good living habits, the oth分吧er is to maintain an opt那自imistic attitude. In the森場 future, the com睡聽pany will organize more s章上imilar lectures 北市to popularize health 高離knowledge.

