Current Position:

The company completed the first oi男線l extraction of CNOOC Enpin見歌g oilfield group

Release date:

From November 30 to December笑信 1, 2014, the company se現化nt a capable oil extract笑器ion team to complete the first玩能 ship oil extraction of CNOO這不C Enping oilfie相人ld group. CNOOC Enping 腦件Oilfield Group mainly inc女這ludes Huizhou 25-8, Enp算時ing 24-2, Xijiang 24-3 an腦厭d Panyu 10-2 / 5 / 8 oilfield討務s. The crude oi動和l produced is transpor區城ted to floating prod姐弟uction, storage and 要下unloading tankers (FPSO, offshore草空 oil 118). The oilfield has a water大樂 depth of - 100 me間吧ters and is abo音河ut 200 kilometers 紙大south of Hong Kong. CNO不化OC (China) Co., Ltd. p這筆reviously announced 慢鄉that Enping 24-2 oil湖工field was put into operati也兒on on October 13. The peak product鄉他ion of Enping 24-2 oilfield alone i藍事s expected to reach 40000 barrels離離 per day. (Zhang Lei of Shany女劇e company)
