Current Position:相公

文昌 13-1&13-2 Oilfield FPSO 舞行NHFJ STP 錨纜更換項目組赴湛江考察交流

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Under the arrangement of the owner Sh讀從enzhen offshore oil engineering Underw現刀ater Technology動舞 Co., Ltd., our project manager動如 Xu Jin and his pa可快rty, together with offsh雨就ore engineering rep多動resentatives and Hezh熱但ong offshore construction represe制村ntatives, conducted investigation, m嗎得easurement and technical exc你師hange activities on the new anchor內朋 cable of group 9 ST錯低P of Wenchang oilfield和鄉 FPSO "Nanhai Endeav數身our" delivered to China at the N們劇anyou wharf of CNOOC Zhanjian商美g Branch, Provide data and informati東醫on support for the o金錢ffshore trial i校信nstallation activities launched by the 些算South China Sea endeavo影上ur anchor cable視業 replacement projec雪新t of Wenchang oilfield FPSO and t東遠he offshore installation operat鐘雜ion to be officially carried志們 out in 2014, and stri通要ve to provide first-cla家空ss underwater engine亮兒ering services 謝花for the owner. (contributed by U睡路nderwater Engineering Department)

