Current Position:

Zhang Hui, general manager of our人費 company, was once again 理章employed as a consultant by China divin姐土g and salvage industry association

Release date:

China diving and兵為 salvage industry assoc看術iation has developed for f腦中ive years. This ye森爸ar, the Council was elected and t國雜he Second Council was es愛聽tablished. Zhang Hui, the general ma民放nager of our co又自mpany, was employed as the少術 only technical consult些校ant at the first Council. R文和ecently, he was employed as th會愛e second consultant at the Standing C技近ouncil of the Second Council of t體窗he association. He will continue t跳學o give advice and西道 provide technical 樂視consultation for 些黃the association.
