Current Position:

The transportation in國男dustry standard "flight requiremen坐知ts for divers after diving" has冷森 passed the final review a理站nd will be issued soon

Release date:

Under the auspices of our com服看pany, the transpor兒可tation industry standard "fl城高ight requirements for divers 放爸after diving" formulated by the Shangh對匠ai Salvage Bureau o林開f the Ministry of tra月時nsport, the Second Milita道件ry Medical University of the Chinese分為 people's Li水匠beration Army, Nant兒熱ong University and Shenz土時hen People's hospital has pa銀吃ssed the expert review organized by 拍章the Ministry of trans外光port in Wuhu, Anhui Provi們黑nce, and will be promulga舊也ted and implemen站就ted soon. On the basis of collec學答ting, sorting and summarizing various 跳子standards and guideline呢可s for divers to sa人爸fely ride aircraft after divi路亮ng at home and abroad,內錢 this standard analyzes the deve生舊lopment history, curre厭科nt situation and development trend of農跳 domestic and foreign safe f靜機light standards or guidelin銀海es system after diving, the gap be計有tween domestic and foreign光多 developed countries, and compares th門北e standards or guidelines 影店for divers in various countries Ac多筆cording to the rese影雪arch results reported in the lit生話erature, consider and refer to the inte日子rnational standards th著對at are more common and convenient兒對 to use, and consider the current actu看鐵al operation of Chin高店a's diving industry. W短畫hile reducing the risk of deco公都mpression sickness due to fligh短制t, we should also consider reduci議開ng unnecessary time del事妹ay before flight. On this ba服海sis, the Chinese個土 standard "flight雪畫 requirements for divers after diving" 新火is formulated. The慢那 standard specifies the altit慢中ude of two flight花土s (helicopter and passenge用老r plane), different diving types and數麗 whether decompression sickness occurs,嗎窗 puts forward sugges人能tions on the shortest 森放ground interval before fligh些自t, and puts forward supplemen師家tary instructio快老ns and treatment s妹他uggestions for flight in eme新老rgency and response to decomp現靜ression sickness duri長機ng flight, At the s校拍ame time, some points for attent用劇ion are put forward.

